
When you are in a state of meditation or quiet visualization,you are in a very powerful place.Meditation is a flow,an entering into a space where you experience instant manifestation.You imagine an apple,you instantaneously have an apple.You never doubt you can have what you imagine,you simply experience it with no delay.You also know if you try something and it isn"t what you want after all,you can simply create again.There is no doubt,no hesitation,no procrastination,no fear.

When you are in that meditative state,you are also in the flow of creation.You are using your imagination which is such a powerful tool for your highest experiences.You are in a place of time distortion which is always a wonderful indication that you have been connected to the energies of Source.It is placing yourself in a space where all kinds of inspiration can occur.You feel peaceful,loved,and supported to experience yourself however you please.

When we recommend you live your life from a place of surrender,flow,and intention,we are giving you advice that will allow you to experience your life like a waking,walking meditation.You will experience a very similar ease in your day to day life as you do in that meditative state,but with conscious awareness.As your energies continue to accelerate,you will find that what you manifest is happening in shorter and shorter time.You are already finding time to feel distorted,and feeling magic seeping into your waking life more and more.

Do you see? As you step further into your mastery,into embodying your true glory in the physical,the gap between your meditative state and your normal living state will start to close,and that is when you will experience both states as fully and authentically BEing rather than doing.~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan




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