Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle,except the highest authority.Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them.You may therefore proceed with your life,knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones.They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place,as they will have their power taken away from them.They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions.
Until now the dark Ones have consistently interfered with your evolution,and been able to block or slow down progress.This situation is rapidly changing and will soon come under our control.You will then be able to go ahead with your tasks without fear,and make headway quicker than any previous occasion.Dear Ones we hear your pleas and requests for help,and soon we shall be able to assist you in a more direct manner.Have no fear at any time as the lower energies will attract a like energy,whereas you are working with the higher energies.
The significance of the coming changes are such that they can hardly be put into words.Everything will be affected to some degree,and much of the lower energies will be either changed or removed in the course of time.The Earth will become renewed and once more be seen a jewel in the firmament.While all this is taking place you too will be renewed as you become a fully-fledged Galactic Being.We tell you what lies ahead,because the knowledge will help you both understand and get through the various stages of the changes.You may be overwhelmed by the thought of what the future holds,but know that we will be having a more direct contact with you.So there is need to be concerned as the future is everything that you could wish for that would bring you peace,happiness and prosperity.
Meantime you can carry on with your work for the Light,knowing that you have many unseen helpers around you.It is only when you realise that you are not alone on your mission that you can begin to understand,why often things just seem to fall in place when you need them.You were aware of the arrangement before you came to Earth,but after dropping into the lower vibrations you became forgetful of your circumstances.However,with time you gradually raised your vibrations for which you deserve every praise.It is why that at this time we and others can approach you,and enlighten you as to what lies ahead.Your consciousness has grown and now you can accept the truth of your place in the Cosmos.The game that has been played on Earth is soon to change its course and lift you up from the challenges of the 3rd.dimension.They have well served their purpose,and you have progressed sufficiently to move further into the Light.
You have experienced the result of Man"s interpretation of the meaning and purpose of life and it has so to say,led you up the garden path.They have caused you to follow false creeds and believe in a Creator that is seen in Man"s image.Yet Jesus the greatest Teacher in your time made it clear that the Creator is All Love,and that no living creature or Being is outside of the Creator.The goal of every soul is to grow and progress within the Light until you once again become One with the Source.As you progress through your various life experiences,you will move further into the Light.You will become a greater Light Being with immense powers of creation,but much of this is way into your future.However,you do need to know the purpose of life.Nothing that you experience is by chance,so consider carefully why certain events in your life take place.
People normally gravitate to those who are of a similar vibration,but for the outworking of karma you may find yourself involved with souls from all different levels.That even extends to the union of two people in marriage,or their children.Karmic experiences can be arranged before you incarnate,so you will understand that nothing happens by chance.Of course there are many minor experiences that are of no real consequence but you never know for example,when a chance meeting may grow to become of prime importance.Because of your freewill,you may turn down an opportunity intended to bring you necessary experiences,but when it is important to your evolution you may be sure it will come up again.
Some people do not believe in God or that there is a purpose in life,yet both will affect the outcome of whatever experiences they choose.You cannot remove God from your life,and it will have been planned prior to your birth regardless of what you may believe.Naturally upon returning to the higher dimensions all is revealed to you when you review your life.No life opportunity to learn is wasted regardless of how it may appear.Indeed,you are not going to know exactly why a certain soul has elected to experience in a particular manner.However,when two or more people come together,each will have been aware as to what part they play.Sometimes a soul will come into life for only a very short period,simply to help create a situation that is necessary for the experiences of others.
However,when you try to relate that to babies it may simply be that the soul has decided not to incarnate after all.That option is open to all but very few change their minds once the arrangements are settled.So as you can see,everything is not in black or white and souls do have a say in what type of life they are entering.Usually once the purpose of a life is decided and it is seen to advance the souls evolution,it is very rare for a soul to pull out.You do have many discarnate souls working with you to ensure your success.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius,and I serve those souls who have bravely and without fear taken on an Earth life to be in service to others.However,all souls have Guides and no one,not even the dark Ones are excluded.Do not be reluctant to ask for help when it is needed,however Karma does not always allow what you request,so if your prayers seem unanswered,there will be a very good reason for it.I leave you with my Love and Light,and the best wishes from the Galactic Federation
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree ofthe Golden Light
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