Increase your belief in yourself
Your personal power increases the more you learn to trust in and love yourself.It is time to utilize and step into your role as an ambassador of Light and Love that you truly are.You are a powerful co-creator of Divine energy,and it is safe for you to be that powerful being once again.Ask the angels to assist you in becoming aware and releasing any thoughts,feelings and situations that hold you back from taking your role in creating that which your soul longs to create.This allows for new thoughts,ideas and inspirations to come your way.
Your angel guidance is to take a moment each day and focus on your strengths,focus on clearing and stabilizing your energy fields,and then focus on the characteristics you want to foster and grow.When you feel strong,powerful,balanced,and focus on the goals and dreams you would like to create they cannot help but manifest for you.Imagine them as if you already have that life and that they become a part of your vibration.Use this power with wisdom and joy.
Enjoy the shifts you see happening around you,and use your power to create a better world for yourself,and others.
Affirm:" I am a powerful creative force in service to the Divine in Light,Love and Expansion."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan