Forgiveness…An Act Of Peace
Mistakes,lapses in judgment,ill-timed words to others and bad decisions….these are all part of being human. You did,after all,come here to learn and grow in your emotional self. For those of you that choose to dwell on these things; my darling,please forgive yourself! A sincere and heartfelt"I"m sorry"can begin the healing process. Whether it is said to the person you feel you have wronged or spoken silently to The Universe,the release of the guilt and shame of the situation has the ability to free your soul and make you a more peaceful person. Do not deny yourself the opportunity of forgiveness. It is one of the most important gifts you will ever give yourself and others.
~ Creator
過失、判斷錯誤、對他人說出不合時宜的話、不好的決定...這都是人的一部分。畢竟,你是來這裡在情緒上學習與成長。對這些事抱著不放的人我要說;親愛的,請原諒你自己! 一句真誠且由衷的「對不起」能開始療癒的過程。不論是向你對不起的人說或靜靜的向宇宙說,釋放內疚和羞恥可以使你的靈魂自由,成為更平靜的人。不要否定寬恕的機會。這是你給自己和他人最重要的禮物。
~ 造物主
transcribed by Jennifer Farley