The pain-body awakens from its dormancy when it gets hungry,when it is time to replenish itself.Alternatively,it may get triggered by an event at any time.The pain- body that is ready to feed can use the most insignificant event as a trigger,something somebody says or does,or even a thought.If you live alone or there is nobody around at the time,the pain-body will feed on your thoughts.
Suddenly,your thinking becomes deeply negative.You were most likely unaware that just prior to the influx of negative thinking a wave of emotion invaded your mind—as a dark and heavy mood,as anxiety or fiery anger.All thought is energy and the pain-body is now feeding on the energy of your thoughts.But it cannot feed on any thought.You don't need to be particularly sensitive to notice that a positive thought has a totally different feeling-tone than a negative one.It is the same energy,but it vibrates at a different frequency.A happy,positive thought is indigestible to the pain-body.It can only feed on negative thoughts because only those thoughts are compatible with its own energy field.
All things are vibrating energy fields in ceaseless motion.The chair you sit on,the book you are holding in your hands appear solid and motionless only because that is how your senses perceive their vibrational frequency,that is to say,the incessant movement of the molecules,atoms,electrons,and subatomic particles that together create what you perceive as a chair,a book,a tree,or a body.What we perceive as physical matter is energy vibrating(moving)at a particular range of frequencies.Thoughts consist of the same energy vibrating at a higher frequency than matter,which is why they cannot be seen or touched.Thoughts have their own range of frequencies,with negative thoughts at the lower end of the scale and positive thoughts at the higher.The vibrational frequency of the pain-body resonates with that of negative thoughts,which is why only those thoughts can feed the pain-body.
The usual pattern of thought creating emotion is reversed in the case of the pain-body,at least initially.Emotion from the pain-body quickly gains control of your thinking,and once your mind has been taken over by the pain-body,your thinking becomes negative.The voice in your head will be telling sad,anxious,or angry stories about yourself or your life,about other people,about past,future,or imaginary events.The voice will be blaming,accusing,complaining,imagining.And you are totally identified with whatever the voice says,believe all its distorted thoughts.At that point,the addiction to unhappiness has set in.
It is not so much that you cannot stop your train of negative thoughts,but that you don't want to.This is because the pain-body at that time is living through you,pretending to be you.And to the pain-body,pain is pleasure.It eagerly devours every negative thought.In fact,the usual voice in your head has now become the voice of the pain-body.It has taken over the internal dialogue.A vicious circle becomes established between the pain-body and your thinking.Every thought feeds the pain-body and in turn the pain-body generates more thoughts.At some point,after a few hours or even a few days,it has replenished itself and returns to its dormant stage,leaving behind a depleted organism and a body that is much more susceptible to illness.If that sounds to you like a psychic parasite,you are right.That"s exactly what it is.
The beginning of freedom from the pain-body lies first of all in the realization that you have a pain-body.Then,more important,in your ability to stay present enough,alert enough,to notice the pain-body in yourself as a heavy influx of negative emotion when it becomes active.When it is recognized,it can no longer pretend to be you and live and renew itself through you.
It is your conscious Presence that breaks the identification with the pain-body.When you don't identify with it,the pain-body can no longer control your thinking and so cannot renew itself anymore by feeding on your thoughts.The pain-body in most cases does not dissolve immediately,but once you have severed the link between it and your thinking,the pain-body begins to lose energy.Your thinking ceases to be clouded by emotion; your present perceptions are no longer distorted by the past.The energy that was trapped in the pain-body then changes its vibrational frequency and is transmuted into Presence.
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