You are Ready
You have the resources,you have the skills and the ability to manifest whatever you desire to make your life more magical.Use the power of your imagination to expand your horizons and picture the life you want to lead.When you hold a vision with clarity and intention,it will manifest for you and the doors will open to lead you where you want to go.Be honest with yourself and then visualize your heart's true desire and hold that vision.Let your angels and guides create the opportunities and have faith in the desired outcome.
Detach from any drama or nay-sayers as this often holds you back from seeing the results you desire in a timely fashion.Decide your desired outcomes and hold the purest of intentions and if any doubt should creep in,remember the power of your thoughts and your imagination,and use positive affirmations to help keep you on track.Imagine your dreams and let the power of creation manifest your desires into physicality and enjoy the unfolding as it happens.
Affirmation: "I picture positive outcomes for myself and my life.I have the resources,talents and the skills I need to create a more magical life for me."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan