Death is a New Beginning
Cycles happen in life and each one brings with it an ending and a new beginning just as the transformation process of birth and death,the grand cycle of this life time.It is truly not an ending,but a transformation and new beginning.Like the caterpillar and its cocoon.
Seek knowledge and understanding in what is occurring for you through the situations in your life but do not get caught up in the energy of the story.Release any stagnation or dark energy and choose to move forward gracefully,spiraling outward and upwards,full of growth and love.
There is greater responsibility with greater knowledge and understanding.Use of discernment is key and releasing what no longer vibrates at your new rate will assist you.Find sanctuary in each new day and allow for the transformation through this phase in your growth to continue its unfolding.
Affirm: "Transformation is a natural part of the cycle of life.I seek and receive greater knowledge and understanding as I am ready to receive it.I am full of growth and love."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan