One of the most challenging this you will do with your time here is to stand up and move forward while others stay static.
My beautiful child,do not be afraid of any ridicule,taunting or jibes as you choose to walk your path. You have a very important job to do while you are here and that is to lead and show people your light! Any hurtful comments directed at you are from those who are in fear of their own light….it is your purpose to show them that only good can come of embracing change and moving forward.~ Creator
我親愛的孩子,當你選擇走你的路時,不要怕嘲笑、奚落、嘲諷。你在此地有非常重要的工作,那就是引導他人,展現出你的光! 任何傷害你的言論,是來自那些害怕自身之光的人...你的目標是向其展現,只有擁抱改變向前行才會有好處。
~ 造物主
transcribed by Jennifer Farley