Take that Leap of Faith
Take that next step,and put your heart's true desire into action! You have set your intention,so now is the time to keep your thoughts,feelings,and actions focused on that target,and you will reach your destination.Trust that you are supported always and that you are not alone on your journey,even when you sometimes feel like the lone Ranger out in the wilderness finding your way.
Your Angel guidance is to awaken the divinity within yourself.Dance,breath,take care of yourself,and always appreciate the beauty that is you.And,go for it.Know that you are dearly loved and move forward towards your dreams and intentions knowing that you are supported and with that determination and your passion for seeing the results manifesting for you,nothing and no one can stop you from your goals.
Affirm: "I trust in the infinite power of the Universe and the support of my goals and intentions for the good of all and that includes me."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan