Moving Beyond
Today's message is about pushing through and moving beyond your current experience.What are the other options that are available and have you been thinking beyond the illusionary box of self imposed reality? It is time for alternative thinking and or seeing your world from a new light.All is truth and all is real,however there is more going on than meets the eyes.
There are times when it is wise to keep the balance more consciously and this is one of those times.While there may be some restrictions in your ability to move in all directions,there is plenty that is available to find the best path.Use your time and resources wisely,as there is much you want to do.And always remember that to thy self be true.
Intention: "I am ready to move beyond what is into something more grand,where all of my needs are met and I can work more in my purpose and on my plan."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan