Make a Plan
Today's message is about creating community for yourself and setting up a specific plan to help you get where you want go regarding finances,health,or self worth,specifically designed to help you achieve your goals and to stick to it as best you can.Remember that some days are better than others and to expect things to get better from here.If you find yourself slipping into an old habit,or procrastinating,stop and go over you plans and get yourself back on track.These are important goals for you or you would not have picked them for yourself.
It is time to set things in order and take control back.Add thought to action and set your sights on your goals and trust that the road ahead will clear.It may not always be easy,but it is worth the journey.Don't let the mundane tasks of everyday life through you off course.Instead focus on your plan or renewing your commitment to finding the path that works for you.
There are others on the path that have similar goals and creating a community of supportive kindred spirits who share their love,energy and ideas with each other.There is enough for all in this magnificent Universe and when you work together you are stronger.
Affirm: "The world supports me and my goals.I am making synchronistic connections and creating a community of support that honours and serves me and helps me to also honour and serve others."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan