Relax and take stock.
Your dreams are manifesting more rapidly than you realize.There is much going on behind the scenes that you are not always aware of.Still,your goals need nurturing and patience is the key.Trust in the higher forces of the Universe and know that they are assisting you and remember that when you are asked to wait,you are being prepared for something more.Keep working and taking the action steps that are necessary to bring about your desired creations and change your attitude to one of acceptance and gratitude.
Ask your angels to enfold you during this waiting period so that you can listen to the promptings of the Divine.When the time is right and you are ready and refreshed,the next door will open.Patience and understanding are always rewarded.Take a deep breath and trust.
Affirm:"All things happen at the perfect time.I trust in the infinite supply and power of the Universe and the divine timing of all that IS."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan