Explore your amazing world
Become the adventurer in your life.Take time out of your busy schedule to play,laugh and explore this beautiful world.There is so much beauty and love all around you when you take the time to look.Take some time away from your usual routine and do something that makes your heart sing.Try something new that you have always wanted to do or try and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone.This will help you to expand and grow.
Your angel guidance is to do something different today and face life with a sense of joy and wonder.Explore the new possibilities with excitement,anticipation and courage.If your prospects seem dark,ask your angels to light the way.Then watch for the signs and signals to help guide you where you want to go.Let your angels inspire you to move forward with expectation and hope and trust that all your dreams and desires are coming to fruition.Envision yourself succeeding in your endeavours and dream big.This means don"t settle for less than you truly desire.This is the time to send out rocket ships of your desires into the Universe and trust that they will hit their intended mark or something even better.In the meantime go enjoy yourself,play and take time out to enjoy your day.
Affirmation: "I take time to explore the wonders and adventures of life and as I do,my light shines brighter and brighter."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan