Your Sensitivities are a gift of Guidance.
As you develop your skills and learn to trust the signs and signals that come from deep within your being,you are tapping into your natural,innate abilities for sensing what feels right or wrong,learning to trusting your judgement and then acting on it with confidence.This is a awakening.It is about becoming more aware of the subtle energies and forces that are within everyone.There is no magic pill that will make everything perfect tomorrow.This is why it is called lightwork.You are learning to work with light and in the light.
Your angel guidance is to look at the people and situations in your life now and respond from your gut feelings.Learn to develop your intuition and ask the angels to help you to discern the good from the bad,what feels right and good and what does not.As you do this,you will feel safer,happier,stronger and clearer.When you learn to trust your own discernment,you can serve the Universe in great ways.
Affirm: "Each day I am getting better at tuning in,understanding,and trusting my intuition."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan