You ask what can be done to further the awakening of humanity and their subsequent Ascension in the midst of the seeming chaos of our current times:
「The Divine,the Universe,has a way of reordering things,restructuring the process of time itself in order to ensure that everything continues to flow as it is meant to.As a result of this,nothing is ever truly out of sync,the Divine recycles opportunity,brings things into manifestation that will ensure that everything serves a purpose,serves a function,has a higher perspective,a higher power,a higher use and this is the case here.
So although in part,your world is behind,the Divine has used that to the advantage of all.What occurs now throughout the planet is part of the process,it is part of the plan,it is how things are meant to be.Shifts and changes cannot occur without risk and danger,cannot occur without systems and structures being broken and pulled apart,rearranged and transformed,without some pain,some difficulty,some conflicts.This is always how it has been but not always how it will be.In the future,further evolution will be more natural,more flowing and more graceful in time.
So,your world needs constant care and attention,that is what it requires,that is what it will be given.The Masters and the Angels bend their attention to the world,focus their thoughts upon it; work through the Lightworkers of the world,monitoring and maintaining peace,focus and function,helping to restore,re-align and reconnect; helping to give comfort and reassurance,understanding and truth.
You ask what more can be done and our answer is simple.Love is the answer,it has always been the answer,will always be the answer.Love is what is lacking,love is what is needed,love is what must be given.Love always,love ever! To those who hate and destroy,to those who attempt to save,to those who suffer,to those in fear; love,love,love,it is the way! And so we would encourage you,and we would encourage you to encourage those others to send love,always and only and ever love.Love and Light! Love and Light! Love and Light!
It is difficult,we know,when there are those that would kill,those that would destroy love on both sides of the world,who see that this is a solution,when everyone knows that it is not.It is easy to hate,it is easy to think that love must be reserved only for the victims,only for those who are in the right,but love is unconditional and universal and it must be applied to all,and if it is needed by anyone,it is needed by those who have fooled themselves into thinking that might is right and that hate and destruction serves God.They are in need more than anyone else,of love.
Love is transformative.Love can and will transform the world,the Earth.In time,everyone will see this truth,but at first in the beginning,hate will arise to the surface.Hate and fear.This must be countered then,with love.Know that love is ever,that love is eternal,that love is infinite,that love is the greatest power that exists,that it is capable of miracles,transformations and changes beyond imagining!"
c2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana(Soo-tam-ah)Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
譯者 U2覺醒