There is something New on the Horizon
There is some news coming that is worth celebrating and so it is important to keep a positive attitude and hope alive in your heart.Some of you have been experiencing a discontentment with life,others are failing to see the gift from an experience or seeing the magical opportunity that is being presented to you as the answer to your prayers.Some of you have been so busy doing all the work that you are weighed down by too many responsibilities or forgotten that you need to take time out for you,time out to play.
Have you been taking others for granted? What have you given of yourself? Have you been giving too much of yourself? These are important questions to ponder as you consider the source of your discontent.Your angels want to remind you that you have magical energy around you.You have new sparks of inspiration that should be acted upon and that you have cherished friends in your life.Keep hope alive in your heart always and know that there is something wonderful just around the corner like gifts of money,perhaps a voyage or even a new location in which to thrive.Be open to these new opportunities and enjoy the ride.
Today's Mantra is:"There is something wonderful just around the corner and it offers me great opportunities in which to thrive."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan