I come to you today to discuss the recent energy shifts and what is coming in the near future.You are in an amazing time of rebirth and every man,woman and child is being given the opportunity to move beyond all that has held them in place.Since the galactic alignment codes have been coming into earth that are helping you to enact deep changes within all of your being.Your physical being is becoming more crystalline so that you are able to be the light.This is accomplished slowly because as you are accepting more light into your form,you are simultaneously clearing density.

These codes coming in act as a magnifier of all that is not in service to your purpose on earth; as well as to show you all that is serving your higher purpose.Things in your physical reality will become glaringly obvious when they are not in alignment.Likewise,these energetic frequencies assist you by revealing all that is hidden within the layers,deep in the cellular memory.If you see yourself as a giant recorder,learning from all things in this and previous incarnations you can begin to see how much is needing to be integrated.You have learned much from your experience,now it is time to let it go and return to your natural state of unconditional love,joy and gratitude.

We understand this process is not easy and many struggle with resistance from the ego and body.This can leave a person in physical,mental and emotional pain.Many are praying that this time will end and that they no longer are consumed by this process.The more light codes that stream to earth,the more the magnetic field of earth is lessoned and the more the world is polarized,the more some suffer.There is a way to help ease this transformational process.Find your joy.Joy is your natural state and the more you embody your soul,the more the absence of joy is magnified.

Think of a loved one returning after a long,difficult experience.You would not expect this person to feel joy in every moment as the difficult experience is still very real to them and you would love them unconditionally.When they feel moments of laughter,hope and inner peace you will also be there giving gratitude for each moment no matter how fleeting. Now we are asking you to give this to yourself.Love yourself unconditionally,be patient and kind with all that arises within.When you do feel the moments of joy,realize that it is you in alignment with your soul and give deep gratitude for the experience.As with all energy,the more you give gratitude for the joy you feel,the more you align with the frequency of joy.Each time you enter this state you will be able to remain in it for longer periods.

The upcoming solar eclipse will be a turning point for many.Each person will step further into their authentic self.For some it will mean having the courage and strength to make changes that no longer are in the highest good.Some will begin to walk fully in their power,not allowing ego to hinder their process any longer.For others,they will begin to merge with the next layer of their soul,their solar aspect.

Each of these requires that you are able to allow light to flow through every particle of your being.This is why the deep inner work taking place is critical at this time.To facilitate this process we ask you to actively seek what brings you joy.This transformation taking place on your planet and within each of you is breathtaking.

We hold you in the highest regard.


Personal conversation with Sananda:

Me: Matt Kahn had jokingly referred to those on this path as angels with PTSD.I feel there is truth in that.
珍妮: Matt Kahn說了一個笑話,談到那些在這條道路上的人就好像是創傷後心理壓力緊張症候群的行善者。我覺得這其中還是有些道理。

Sananda: Yes,this is why we ask each of you to be gentle with yourselves and find joy.

Me: Many on this process find that they go into a deep depression as they sort through their layers and beliefs and what use to bring them joy no longer does.This leaves many feeling lost and confused.

Sananda: This is an opportunity to explore what matches your soul.Instead of seeing that something is wrong it can be seen as a blank slate to find what brings joy,just as you did as a child.Each time you expand your horizon it opens doors and pathways for your soul to find what resonates.

Me: Many are complaining that they are experiencing weight gain and bloating again.Why do we gain during intense energetic times?

Sananda: Not all do,but it is the bodies attempt to accommodate more light.As one undergoes deep cellular changes,the body often swells,feels depleted and dehydrated.Many vital nutrients are missing and this causes the body to be stressed.

Me: What is missing and why?

Sananda: Your soil is depleted and is unable to provide the nutrients it once did.Your bodies are also experiencing stress from the chemical bombardment.

Me: What is missing?

Sananda: Vitamin D and magnesium are key ingredients as is alkalized water.This process when combined with the chemicals in the body causes many to be acidotic.

Me: Even organic?

Sananda: Yes,while you receive more nutrients in organic food,it is still not in the purest form as was intended.

I hope my questions and answers have helped you as they have me.I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love.May you all be blessed.Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work.It means more than you will ever know.



由Jenny Schiltz於2016年3月3日通靈傳遞
譯者 U2覺醒








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