Simplify your Life
Eliminate clutter from your material world as well as energetically as there is much going on and much that can distract you from what is truly important.Clear the energy in your home and work environments as well as in your life by being sure to balance the flow of activities.
Have you been feeling scattered or perhaps an inability to focus? Your energy has been fragmented,and it's time to make some adjustments.You are asked to take drastic measures to simply your life.This means clearing your home of unnecessary items,canceling subscriptions to extraneous publications,saying no to demands on your time that do not support your growth at this time,make some important long term plans,and stick to them.Getting organized and being more efficient with respect to your schedule results in an energy and esteem boost that will enable you to complete the tasks at hand.Your soul and body will thank you for your simpler life!
The Mantra for today is: "When I take the time to clear and simplify my life,I am more aware and in the flow of the manifestation of my intentions."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan