You are surrounded by Omnipresent Support
Today's message is from the guardians of our world and it is about a new awakening that is taking place.There is an awakening of Spirit,a yearning for adventure and experiences,an awakening of divine expression,bold expansion and generosity within you.This is an opportunity for expansion and change in big ways and you are surrounded by support as you venture into places previously unexplored.Your Divine Mother/Father God wish so much for you and it is time to see your true magnificence and that which surrounds you and all that you do.
This is also a sensual awakening as you find yourself becoming more sensitive to the world around you in new ways of taste,touch,smell and experience.Be open to these changes and know that there will be change,and yes,you are out growing what once was,so you will be prepared to receive that which is more suited for your next stage of growth and experience.Awaken your keen spirit and feel the freedom as you learn to soar to new heights as your guardians await your arrival at this next stage of you.
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan