Beloved Ones,The new beginning that everyone has been waiting for has quietly arrived,without bells,whistles or trumpet blares.It comes as a quiet,peaceful feeling within the depths of one's being and gently takes root within the garden of one's soul.Peace within,at last! Let it slowly and gently unfold and blossom,allowing its gifts to be seen and felt.The stillness of the universe waits poignantly for the petals within each soul to unfurl,the radiance within to shine through to work its magic in the world!
The cup of Life in all its glory and majesty beckons one to partake of the elixir of knowingness,in full participation of the celebration of its diverse creation.What glory exuberantly makes its presence known! The beauty of the world waits for each soul to discover in moments of peaceful stillness.Each is a miracle and a blessing to the one who beholds it if they but pause to recognize and savour it.As the sacred scriptures of the last era recorded in psalms 46:10,「be still and know that I am God」,this is what is now required of humanity,to connect with the sacred divinity within them.
Inner reflections will continue to bring forth revelations that aid in moving you forward on your path through Earthly life.It is a time of inner growth and transformation on a more profound and more manifest visible level.All that was in your life to the present moment is coming back once more for you to reflect on how much you have grown in your perceptions and understanding,your sense of empathy and compassion,your innate goodness and innocence and in your experience of wielding your power to choose your response to all of it.No matter how painful,you were willing to face the truths revealed to you with a loving and caring heart.
Now,as these things pass through you,you see the value that each experience has brought to you.You learned the value of courage and bravery in the face of the risk of losing all that was dear to you and was willing to let it all go,if that was what was required in your soul plan.You learned to look beyond the appearance of a situation and see the bigger picture.You tried to step into the shoes of the "other",to feel what they felt.You learned the value to yourself of observing yourself in all kinds of situations.This,Dear Ones,was for the purpose of adding these spiritual qualities and attributes to your eternal soul's empowerment,understanding and experience of life in the physical dimension while there was yet the opportunity.
You also learned that honouring and acknowledging self was a priority to your ongoing soul progression.You learned the best ways to nurture not only your spirit,but your human self.You learned when this nurturance was required and you now follow through as a natural course of action.Now a new horizon appears,a new and fresh start is presenting itself to you as you salute and wave goodbye to the past and set sail on a new course of becoming the conscious wielder and manifestor,always seeking the most effortless path to your destiny in a natural,effortless unfolding of your life in a way that moves you toward wholeness and harmony in all things.Focus each day on doing the things that bring you joy; live an inspired life where every day opens the door to a new exciting adventure.
c2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana(Soo-tam-ah)Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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