Focus on the flow of Positive Energy
Set your intention to be focused on the flow of positive energy as often as you can to assist you in creating the life you desire.Focused intention is very powerful and when you are consciously choosing where you put your attention, your intentions will manifest for you more quickly and easily.Remember that energy flows where you attention goes, so choose wisely what thoughts and beliefs you hold.
Let this energy go to work in all areas of your life.If it is more spiritually based relationships, work, or perhaps even more adventure that you want in your life, choose to direct the flow of energy in that direction.Ask your angels to help guide you and put all the right people and places on your path.Detach from the hows and let your entourage of light beings do their work and most importantly, trust that it will be so.
The Mantra for today is: "I am in the flow of positive energy and it is helping me hold my focus and see the manifestation of my dreams."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan