Today we would like to focus upon the topic of creation; particularly your role as a creator being.There is quite a bit of confusion around the topic of creation when it comes to co-creation and how others can participate in your reality.So it is our intention to help clear the confusion up a bit.
As you are now well aware, you are the creator of your reality.Many of you like to choose the bits and pieces of which manifestations you are responsible for and what you are not.Let us first be clear, you are either the creator of everything in your reality, or the creator of nothing.You cannot be the creator of only some of it, no more so than you can be a little pregnant.You either are, or you are not and we can assure you that you are the creators of your reality.
Now this is not to say that you do not co-create with others in your world, but what you experience and how you view it is entirely a result of what you have created.
So how do you create your reality? To this we would reply, by your thoughts of course which are really just vibrations which you have translated into emotions, thoughts and then things.You always have the ability to focus your attention on anything you desire.No one has control over what you think, how you think or when you choose to think it.This where your true power exists.
But so many of you disperse your power by reacting to unpleasing events which have already manifested as a result of something you already thought.Allow us to further explain this process as it is essential to understanding the concept we are sharing with you.
Many of you are continually observing your reality, practically on auto pilot.You are simply creating by default.You see something, which then generates a response, and you then create more of it based upon the emotions and beliefs you focus upon.This is not effectively using the power that you possess yet we witness so many of you live your life in this way.
You see, as a powerful creator being, you always have the choice to focus your attention upon anything you desire.Regardless of what is going on around you, you always can find thoughts that feel good as opposed to focusing on what is in front of you that does not please you.So many of you spend much of your life wishing for something different while staying stubbornly tuned into the circumstances which have already manifested in your reality.
You cannot focus on the environment that you have already created and expect to get something different.That"s not how creation works.You continue to get more of the same because that"s what you are focused upon.This is why so often very little changes over the years in so many peoples lives, because you cannot focus all of your attention on what you have created and get something drastically different.
So how do you unplug? How do you stop the cycle of recreating the same situations over and over again? We will tell you and it is very simple.Stop giving so much attention to everything you have already manifested in your life.If you want something new then you must feel, think, believe, focus upon something new.
We are not denying that many of you have yearned for something different.We are not denying that you want so much more out of life.We are here to tell you it is more than possible to get everything you want and more, but you have to do something different than what you have been doing in order to get a different result.
Find thoughts that feel good, find thoughts that conjure the feelings of appreciation, love, happiness, peace, joy, bliss.There isn't a single soul alive that cannot find thoughts that feel good.What you focus upon will expand.
You can choose to focus upon thoughts that feel bad, that make you feel angst, worry or discouraged, or you can focus your attention upon thoughts that feel really good.It"s this simple.It"s not meant to be difficult, it"s not meant to be confusing, it"s not meant to be a struggle.
When you look to others to find blame in the things that have been created in your reality you are giving your power away.There is a question that arises quite often when you become aware that you are the creator of your reality.The question is, well if I"m thinking good thoughts and my partner, spouse, friend, or whomever is thinking negatively won't that affect the outcome of our experience? And to this we reply, not unless you let it.
No one else can create your reality for you.If you remain consistent in your intention and your focus is to expect a positive outcome then nothing in the universe can prevent that from manifesting but you.You are the creator of your reality.
When you are working on a project with another or you are living your life with another and you are working together, if one has negative expectations and you remain unwavering in the outcome you desire, expect and intend then your focus will bring the desired outcome.
It"s not to say that your partner will not be able to find fault in a positive outcome because it is what they are looking for, what they are expecting because they are the creator of their own reality.But you will see the positive outcome in an entirely different light.
There is a saying upon your world,"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink.” You never have control over how another chooses to perceive their reality.But we can tell you this, when two or more people come together with a positive intention and focus your power to create a positive outcome the power is incredibly magnified.
So though no one can negatively affect the outcome of your reality when your focus and expectation is to receive a positive manifestation, you can always come together with a positive intent and we assure you the power is tremendous.It is compounded in an explosive way.
We hope that we have served you in some way and that you have found this message helpful in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
通靈:Taryn Crimi
翻譯:Nick Chan