

There are serious and undeniable changes now taking place at the highest levels of the world"s power structure.First, as already noted by Neil Keenan and others, US President Barack Obama told the Washington Press corps at the Whitehouse correspondents dinner on April 30th that 「the end of the republic has never looked better,」 and that 「It is an honor to be here at my last—and perhaps the last—White House Correspondent"s Dinner.」 Here is a link to the White House Press release containing these comments.
世界各國的最高領導層將發生政權更變已成定局。首先,就如由尼爾.基南(Neil Keenan)和其他人士所說的那樣,在4月30日的白宮記者晚宴中,奧巴馬告訴華盛頓記者團說:「這是共和國一個漂亮的結束」、「這是我最後的也許是白宮最後的記者晚宴,是我的榮幸。」以下為白宮新聞稿的鏈接。

Furthermore the White House put out a detailed plan on May 6th for a"peaceful transition of power.”

CIA sources the plan is still to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a Donald Trump presidency but that Obama was no longer living in the White House and that the powers behind the throne had changed.

One very visible sign of the US regime change is the fact that 「1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members,」 Pentagon sources note.This disclosure is a clear sign the Satanists have lost at the highest level of the US power structure.
據五角大樓消息指出,美國改朝換代一個非常明顯的跡像就是,多達「1500頁的耶魯大學骷髏會文件,將把美國國務院秘書約翰克裡(John Kerry)、布希家族和其他陰謀集團成員的真面目公諸於世。」這項破天荒的揭露,明確顯示美國最高領導層內的撒旦教徒,已兵敗如山倒。

There will be more about the US situation below but there is another major development we wish to discuss first.Last week this writer attended a meeting in Yokohama, Japan of the senior lodge members of a 55 million member Benevolent Asian Secret Society(Hongmen).The meeting discussed future peaceful plans for the lodge in Japan.

There were also detailed discussions about a new international financial system that will replace the current system over the next few years.Specialists from many different fields attended the meeting.Finally, the society expressed a desire to work, based on the principles of peace, in a 「mutually beneficial manner with the International White Dragon Society.」 That is all we are allowed to disclose for now.

The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by two representatives from the government of mainland China.One, representing the Chinese Communist Government"s security apparatus, said that 12,000 tons of gold were now being offered at a 13% discount on the same conditions as the 8000 tons previously discussed in this newsletter.The gold is in 12.5 kilogram ingots and is available for immediate pick up in Hong Kong.

Furthermore, if the offer is not accepted by May 16th, the Chinese will take unilateral action on this issue, he says.The WDS has recommended that they make a move against the US dollar if the current controllers of the dollar system refuse to accept this gold.

Since Henry Kissinger"s fraudulent hijacking of the dollar system has ended, as far as we can tell there are two current claimants for the position of M1, or controller of the US dollar system.One is Neil Keenan and the other is believed to be the eldest surviving son of former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos who now lives in Canada and is represented by a David P.Crayford.
據我們可說的,亨利.季辛吉(Henry Kissinger"s)劫持美元的惡霸行為已經結束,掌控M1(貨幣供應量)美元位置或美元控制系統中,有兩個人要被揪出。一個是尼爾.基南(Neil Keenan),另一個被認為是菲律賓前總統費迪南德.馬科斯(Ferdinand Marcos)在加拿大的長子,現改名為大衛P.克雷福德(David P.Crayford)。

If either of them can pull it off, we suggest they conjure up some dollars and take delivery of the gold.It is a good deal: solid gold in exchange for paper and numbers in computers.If neither of them can pull it off, we suggest that General Joseph Dunford step in and arrange this deal.
如果抓到其中一個,我們建議他們變出一些美元來換取黃金。一個很好的建議:以紙質或電腦數字換取真金白銀。如果這哥倆中任何一個肯妥協的話,我們將建議約瑟夫.鄧福德(Joseph Dunford)將軍介入安排此次交易。

There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources.The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.

There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources.The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.

There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources.The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.

Those who still think the US dollar does not need to be backed by gold or other real world assets need to take a look at the chart in this link showing how the end of the dollar gold peg resulted in a debt disaster for the US.

The end of the gold peg triggered a more than 40 year looting spree of the American people and US trade partners by the Khazarian mafia, WDS members agree.The Chinese offer of gold will put a permanent end to this looting, a WDS official says.

Meanwhile, another Chinese official to contact the WDS represents a faction inside the Chinese politburo that is opposed to Chinese President Xi Jinping.The source says there is a major power struggle taking place in China.President Xi Jinping"s mandate is not going to be renewed after his first5year term ends in 2018 and it is doubtful he will even survive until then, he said.

The source said Xi was undertaking what amounted to a 「second cultural revolution,」 that had already purged 30 million people as part of an 「anti-corruption」 campaign.The result was that new projects were not going ahead because everybody was too afraid to sign them into being, the source said.The only projects now going ahead were big ones approved by the Central Government, he said.The result is severe economic pain, he said.

Xi Jinping also got into trouble in China because he accepted a knighthood from the Belgian royal family when he visited Brussels at the end of March, 2014.Certainly it appears as if Xi did not understand that becoming a knight, no matter how honorable the title seems, means acknowledging that he is a vassal of the Belgian King.Furthermore, the knighthood was of the 「Order of Leopold,」 associated with King Leopold, the genocidal butcher of the Congo.

The other interesting information this source had was that the Chinese military command was undergoing a fundamental realignment.The Chinese military was going to be divided into5commands: Southern, Northern, Eastern, Western and Central.There were also discussions underway about moving the capital of China away from parched Beijing, he said.

Yet another source to contact the WDS last week was Seungshick Zang, a claimant to the Manchu dynasty"s historical gold treasures.Zang says he recently survived an assassination attempt by agents sent by South Korean President Park Geun-hye.Zang says he has a refugee hearing with the Tokyo Immigration Bureau on May 12th where he will argue that if he is sent back to South Korea he is sure to be killed by Park because her faction wants to usurp his claim on the Manchu gold.However, the Chinese government official who introduced Zang to this writer now claims he is a con artist.

In Japan, meanwhile, there is a consensus among backroom power brokers that Prime Minister Abe and his Kyushu clique must go.However, there is still no consensus on who to replace him so, like Obama in the US, Abe will continue as the face of Japanese power for now even as his scriptwriters change.For one thing, the TPP trade deal negotiated in part by Abe is going nowhere under the new regime.
同時,在日本,陰謀集團的傀儡安倍晉三和他的九州集團必須下台。然而,就如在美國的奧巴馬一樣,基於到目前為止仍沒有合適的替代者,安倍仍繼續在舞台上演出,即使現在他的政策有所轉換,仍不能改變被踢走的命運。還有一點,妥協跨太平洋貿易夥伴協議(Trans-Pacific partnership-TPP)是促使安倍被新政權痛下殺手的原因。

Now back to the West for more on the latest developments there.The biggest event after the US regime change has to be the declaration of 「holy war」 by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kiril last week.While Kiril cited 「terrorism」 as the enemy, this war is really a joint US/Russian operation against the Satanic Khazarian mafia, Pentagon and other sources say.The realization that hundreds of thousands of children are being butchered by the Khazarians in the US, the Ukraine and elsewhere.
鏡頭轉向有更多新進展的西方,據五角大樓和其它消息說,上週,美國的政權更替後,最大的事件必是由俄羅斯東正教會宗主教基裡爾(Patriarch Kiril)發出「聖戰」的聲明。儘管基裡爾被「恐怖主義」視為敵人,這場確實是聯合美國/俄羅斯對撒旦可薩暴徒的作戰,因為可薩暴徒在美國、烏克蘭以及其他地方屠殺成千上萬的兒童。

is creating a groundswell of revulsion that is leading to major military action, Pentagon and NSA sources say.The WDS promises to hunt down and kill every last one of the child murderers.The arson attacks against one orthodox church in New York, two in Australia and three in Russia on Orthodox Easter and the systematic murder of Christians by Khazarians(ISIL) in the Middle East is a sure sign this holy war is more than just rhetoric.

There is already a hybrid war raging against the Khazarians and they are losing big time.The Saudi Binladen group, for example, is filing for bankruptcy, in a clear sign the Khazarian Saudi royal family, their Bush family buddies and their cronies are in trouble.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, the Mossad linked site Debka is reporting that ISIL has suddenly declared war on Israel.This is at the very least a sign the Israeli regime is trying to dissociate itself from ISIL now that the power balance has shifted decidedly against the Khazarian mob.

The resignation of Turkey"s Prime Minister last week 「may be a green light for the military to oust [President Recep] Erdogan,」 Pentagon sources say.
五角大樓的消息說,土耳其總理於上週辭職,「可能是軍方綠燈推翻埃爾多安(Recep Erdogan)」總統的訊號。

Also, 「Saudiphile」 CIA Director John Brennan is isolated in the US power structure as the lone dissenter opposed to the release of the 28 unpublished pages of the 911 report, a Pentagon sources notes.「No doubt he got big bribes from [Saudi King] Salman,」 the source said.
此外,五角大樓消息人士說,在美國權力結構內的「沙烏地派」中央情報局局長約翰.布倫南(John Brennan)被隔離了,因為他是公佈28頁911事件報告唯一的反對者,該人士說,「毫無疑問,他收了來自沙烏地國王薩爾曼的賄賂」。

In these circumstances, a humbled former CIA boss etc.Dick Cheney, sensing the change in the US power structure, has turned on the Bush family and endorsed Donald Trump.「This may help him avoid assassination, but it will not spare him from a 911 perp walk,」 the Pentagon official said.
五角大樓官員說,基於這種情況下,一名前中央情報局的頭目迪克.切尼(Dick Cheney),感受到了美國政權的變化,因為現在箭頭指向了布希家族和形勢往川普靠,「這可能讓布希逃過暗殺,但911事件絕對不會放過他」。

There are also going to be serious consequences to certain parties in the US for what CIA officials describe as an arson attack against Canada"s oil sand town of Fort McMurray.「If you mess with Canada, prepare to get kicked in the ass,」 Canadian intelligence agency(CSIS) officials warn.

In South America meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia campaign to oust Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is falling apart as House Speaker Eduardo Cunha was ordered to step down by the Brazilian Supreme Court.The entire bribed parliament is likely to be hung if they keep up their campaign to steal Brazilian assets for Khazarian gangsters.
與此同時在南美洲,可薩暴徒試圖推翻巴西總統迪爾瑪(Dilma Rousseff)的陰謀,被眾議院議長愛德華多·庫尼亞(Eduardo Cunha)下令終止了。整個巴西國會都被可薩暴徒收買以推翻迪爾瑪政權的愚蠢行為宣告破產。

Meanwhile across the Atlantic, the German and French governments are now openly opposing the Khazarian concocted TTIP trade deal thanks to leaks of its contents, allegedly by Greenpeace.The IMF has also broken ranks with Germany on Greece after it was revealed that almost all the bail out money supposedly intended for Greece was handed out to corrupt bankers.
與此同時,根據綠色和平組織的揭發內容,促使德國和法國政府對可薩暴徒炮製的「跨大西洋貿易與投資夥伴關係協定(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership-TTIP)」嗤之以鼻。IMF還打破了德國的沉沒指出,原本用於救希臘的保釋金,很大部份轉移到了腐敗銀行家的手裏。

Perhaps it is time for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to check the engines on her father Hitler"s old submarine and think of an escape route.Maybe she can be given a life in exile at the old Nazi haunt of Bariloche, Argentina.This will not be an option for other members of the Bush/Clinton/Romney crime syndicate.They and their fellow Khazarian mafia gangsters have nowhere on this planet, or this universe, where they will be able to flee to this time.It is humanity"s time for justice.



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