








拾柴童子 2015年10月22日深夜



Bashar has done two channeling classes before but never like this

this is the first time this has ever been done in such a concentrated fashion

so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens and I would…

based on what I know happened in the ten-week channel class—which is simply once a week—is gonna obviously attempt to consolidate most of that into about a 5-6 hour process

So you"re gonna be flying

So enjoy the ride,I"ll be doing some of it because there are things that are more germane for me to cover and take you through than Bashar

But then he"ll probably be doing a lot of it as well

The first part of this before the first break is probably mostly what I will cover

and we"ll just sort of start out and see how it goes

so is everyone ready? Does anyone need to do anything here to get settled a little bit?

I"ll start when we"re all set.

Okay,the first thing very quickly that I would like to do is just as an example,sort of run over…

Yeah there will be a time both in the part that I"m covering and the part that also Bashar is doing for questions

when that time comes,like in a group session,it might be nice to have the remote mic so that we can get everything clearly on the tape

so that when everyone has the tape,they can hear the entire conversation

so when the time comes for questions,then the mic will be passed around

But before that,let's just very brief…

I usually do this at a lot of the sessions but I"m not exactly sure who's familiar with a lot of my background

so I"m just very briefly by my introduction gonna recap how this all started actually for me and use it as an example to lead into what's going to happen here for all of you

after I go over some points then it will become a little bit more interactive

Because there"ll be somethings I want to find out from you in order to facilitate this a little bit better for you to make sure that you"re getting what you need and want out of this

but first of all my experience began as many of you know about twenty-three years ago

I had two UFO sightings over Los Angeles that spurred me toward doing a lot of research in metaphysical field

And eventually I ran across channeling,I was introduced to a channel,I was invited by the entity in that channel along with other people to attend the channeling class which I went into not thinking about becoming a channel but just as a searcher

the meditations the exercises in that class were for the purpose of getting you in touch with just whatever level of information or energy you want to get in touch with to use however you want to use it

and that's much about what this class is today as well

none of you have to assume that you have to vocal channel like I do in order to get something out of this

this is all going to be for the purpose of applying this energy however you want to and will cover that in a moment as well

but after my connection was made and I began to do some research with other channels to figure out how they all became channels

the process really is exceedingly varied and obviously as personal as there are,you know as many ways to do as there are people

the channel that taught me was literally just walking down the street one day and blacked out and came to—fortunately he was with a friend—came to two hours later and have been told that he"d been talking for the last two hours and didn't remember a thing,that's how he started

another channel um simply started receiving information in dreams,one thing led to another and eventually they realize that this is being offered to them and reminded them perhaps an agreement that they had made to do this

another channel you know intentionally when into it,went after it,wanted this to happen

again a lot of times this is recognized that some point on the process of its remembered as an agreement that has been made—and that doesn't have to be the case—you can decide right here right now that if this is something that excites you and something that you want to do

and I"m sure there are more than enough entities if that's the direction you want to go and who are willing to work with you on this kind of thing and there's no lack of entities around

but again I want to stress that channeling is really just letting more of whatever come through,it can be more your own creativity,more of yourself accessing your own higher consciousness,your own inner consciousness,it doesn't have to involve another entity

but even when it does,or if it does,you still have to realize that what you"re actually accessing is your own energy,your own version of what you believe this connection represents

you are mirroring,you are resonating at a certain frequency that allows you to match whatever this other idea or entity or place is representative to you

so one of the first things I wanna talk about is just literally…what is the mechanism of channeling in general no matter how you apply it

whether you"re talking about being a singer,being a painter,being an actor,getting lost in the park,getting lost in the song,getting out of your way and just flowing which is a channel state.

Or whether you are doing what I"m doing,or automatic writing,or psychic functioning or however you want to use that state

my understanding of it is again it is like tuning fork,you are going toward an idea you are pushing yourself toward being a certain frequency of energy which is what everything is made out of,just energy

and whatever it is you want to achieve is simply represented by a certain band,with a certain channel,a certain frequency of that energy,certain vibrational rate of that energy

so however you express it and what you have to really do is you have to strongly identify and start to resonate with that concept

so hence,said simply,don't do this if it's not something you"re going to love doing,there should not be a struggle and one of the strongest guidelines that you will have in exploring all of this is to determine for yourself what might be the best way for you by feeling out what does excite you,what doesn't excite you

you don't have to force yourself to do any of this,it should not be that way,otherwise in a sense you are really defeating the whole purpose of what channeling is all about

always by all means take a moment,if you find that you"re having some difficulty going ahead with this kind of idea however you want to express it,always take a moment to make sure that you are not the one coloring it and making it seem as if it's more difficult than it needs to be,but at the same time always make an honest assessment that what it is you think you may need to do,or how is it you think you might need to express it isn't always necessarily the case

um my own wife in the beginning thought that channeling in the way that I channel was something that she wanted to do,it did excite her,she did make some connections that did serve her

but ultimately she realized that that's not the way she wanted to go,for her at that time,dancing was her channeling,and she realized that that's really what her excitement is all about,but she was able to use the connections to the energy that she made for her dancing

so don't think that you have to force yourself in a certain direction in order to use this information or this energy in the way that best serves you by any means

one of the things I guess no matter what style sometimes of channeling or just being yourself that you want to do…one of the things that very often happen that I"m obviously going to be talking a lot about this whole process from my point of view in terms of my experience as an actual vocal channel

I do not in any way shape or form assume that what I am going to say as my experience will necessarily be the same experience for you especially if you"re not going to vocal channel like I do

however I have noticed in talking with a lot of other channels that there are some time some general experiences that are similar,and sometimes even if you"re not channeling in the same way,sometimes you will have generally similar experiences in your whole process of preparation and in acclimatizing to the idea of letting more energy through,similar things will happen

now the first thing I want to say before I go on with this is I want diffuse the possibility here,this is sort of a…not a disclaimer…but I just wanna make sure you"re not keening into this in an inappropriate way

anything that I"m about to describe as a symptom or part of the process that I or anyone else has experienced,you should not necessarily assume that you have to experience this in order to have your channeling experience

a lot of things have changed over time,the first channel the first modern channel,let's say let's just say it classically,most people would say it begins with J Roberts and the Seth material in terms of a modern channeling for our day and age although obviously it's…you know…as old as humanity
一些情況會隨時間改變。多數人認為,歷史上第一個靈媒…或現代靈媒(姑且算現代吧),是傳導賽斯資料的J Robert。她是我們這個時代最早的靈媒。不過話說回來,通靈這個概念幾乎和人類文明本身一樣久遠。



but when we didn't understand that much about what this was and what the process is all about

a lot of people experience certain things in their attempt to know what was going on

as each successive generation of channels came about and learned from the last ones,it actually—I"ve noticed—has been getting easier and easier and easier

and some are things the older channels went through the newer channels don't experience

so if I might mention a certain kind of experience or a certain symptom,don't assume you have to have it in order for you to channel as cleanly and perfectly as you want to

the mass consciousness's ability to accept that this is now a reality to a greater degree makes it easier for anyone starting new in using this energy

so you may have a completely different story

but a real critical point that I think needs to be covered here is that very often when you allow any kind of new energy in

you"re talking about us having been,you know in some senses,trained in condition to think in certain ways

a lot of our training and conditioning causes,relative to this new energy,a kind of constriction within us
in others words,we"re simply not used to letting this kind of energy through or sometimes this much energy through

that constriction that uncertainty about letting this flow—being uncertain you can handle it,being uncertain what it is—will sometimes allow you,in those constrictions,to feel the results of those constrictions or resistance

the result—many times not always—of those constrictions and resistances will be such things as physical pain,physical disease and things like that

that will probably be temporary if you keep going and you trust and learn that they are just symptoms of getting used to stretching and allowing more energy to come through

one of the analogies I often use for what this feels like when Bashar comes through is it's like Hoover Dam trying to force its way through a garden hose

you have to learn to widen the conduit in order to led it through more easily,otherwise that hose is going to be under a lot of pressure

and in your body that pressure can translate sometimes as physical pain or tension or emotional flip flops or upset

or all sorts of manners of things that are going to turn your reality inside out and upside down and make you wonder if you"re all right and what's going on

so if you take the step in this direction and you"re really committed to going as far and fast as you can with this

just be aware that certain things all of a sudden might start happening and you might all of a sudden and go,"oh my god what's wrong with me? Is there something wrong with me? "

and you"ll start to learn very quickly that it's actually possibly a symptom of the restrictions and that you have to learn to let those ago

now one of the most common ones we came across especially for vocal channeling,although again who knows it can happen in other areas,

is what ultimately has become referred to as the channeling chakra which is at the back of the neck for some reason

when about two weeks before Bashar and his people first made contact in that way,literally I was sitting doing nothing,

I was talking to someone in the same way that I"m talking to you now,

I hadn't moved,I hadn't made any kind of a bizarre motion,my neck just locked and it was an extremely paiful experience for about a week and a half and then ultimately it just let go

I"ve heard over and over again a lot of channel say they get it in the back of the neck

so if that starts to happen,you start getting fluish things like that,you start feeling like you"re getting sick when the energy starts coming through,a lot of that can be very normal

so just pay attention to it,make sure that it's not something else,but don't also be too worried about that the more you do it,just like anything with practice,you will alleviate it,you"ll get used to it,you will work out the kinks,you will open up the resistances

now one of the reasons that I think we do this and again perhaps by telling you this,you may learn to let go of this...

if you"re going to try and hold on to it,you may learn to let go of this more quickly than I did or any other channels that are of…let's say my particular"generation" did

and that is that we"ve been taught in this reality that pain is associated with change,and you know when we have such lines as"no pain no gain" and all of this kind of stuff,

now obviously within certain contexts this is not necessarily a bad thing

obviously you feel certain changes and sometimes they can be a little uncomfortable,but you know that you"re growing,and you know you"re stretching it,and that's all right

but the idea really,that I think is going on here when it gets severe is,we"ve really been taught that if we don't create the pain,we don't have proof that we"re changing,okay

that's what we really need to let go of,we have to really start learning that we can change as strongly and abruptly as we want to without having to prove to ourselves that we"re changing by giving ourselves pain

the idea behind this in doing that is because generally we would never intentionally"give ourselves pain"

so in that we are feeling the pain in going through the change,we can point to that and say,

"well look,I can't be doing this,it must be real,it must be coming from outside myself,it's proof that it's not me,it's not just my imagination,it's not just something I"m dreaming up,it's real because I would never have thought to give myself this pain"

you can let that go,okay

if you don't,that's fine,if it happens that way that you do feel discomfort in some of these transitions then work with it,again the only way to let it transform is to own it,and to work with it

but one of the reasons I think we do that is because we constantly think we need to prove that things aren't going the way we say they"re going

and pain is one of the ways we validate that,because usually we don't create that intentionally for ourselves,so we can point to an outside source,so to speak

So,A:because we think change is painful,sometimes that's why we'll experience it.

because we think it proves that something's going on and we don't just have to let people take our word for it,we can show that we"re having these aches and pains

and in some ways,an extension to that is that the pain for ourselves can validate to us that we"re changing,

in other words sometimes we don't think we"ve earned it if we don't actually somehow suffer through it,so that we can then say,

"well you know hey I"ve had the school of hard knocks,I"ve been there,I"ve done that,I"ve taken my lumps,I have earned now the permission to change,because I"ve suffered in getting where I"m getting"

So these and probably a dozen other reasons are sometimes why people will experience a great pain,

especially when dealing with a lot of these other greater energies that are either our higher selves,future selves or whatever our concept of that is or in bringing through some other energy or some other entities

So if you want to,by all means remember that this might be one reason why we"re doing that,why we"re experiencing the pain,

and if you can let that go,it's not going to diminish your ability to know that you can make profound change and let this energy through,so I think that's a very important point to remember

We"ve talked about the idea technically in a sense of what channeling is,many people nowadays still think when we"re talking about an entity coming through,that this entity is actually inhabiting your body

I don't believe that that can actually even physically happen,okay

to me it's a matter of identification of resonates you are,as I said,changing your frequency to mirror them,to match them,nothing can really occupy you,

because there really in that sense is no space to occupy,you fill up your space,there's nothing else that can get in there,there's no place to get in to

so the whole concept of something entering your body is really simply a physical reality euphemism for the idea that

you are sort of setting your typical self aside and letting yourself represent a completely different identity

but while that is(in its own way) real you don't ever have to worry about the idea of being possessed or taken over,

and this brings us to another point that a lot of people still ask,this is a very common question

how do you know you not gonna let something bad come through when you open yourself up to this kind of stuff?

well the way you know is that you choose to know that,it's really as simple as making a choice of knowing that there's only one reason why you"d be doing this at all,

and that's for positive,constructive,creative and beneficial reasons,and there for that's the only thing you"re going to attract

now some people say,"well you know,you can surround yourself with white light,you can do this,you can do that"

if that's what works for you,use it,but do understand that fundamentally that still coming from your idea about what it is you think you need to do and that's simply part of the resonates you"re creating

so whatever tool works for you by all means use it,don't shun them,don't think you have to be more spiritual,

that you don't have to use these tools,don't force yourself to try and be what you think is more spiritual,

go with the flow of your beliefs and make your beliefs work for you in leading this stuff come through,but by all means realize that it's simply a matter of"like attracts like"

and in most cases,from what I"ve experienced,any so-called connection to negative entities is really in most cases nothing more than the channels own fears being voiced and personalized and manifested and labeled another entity

because the channel is not willing to face the responsibility for those particular fears and so they projected into the idea that it's another entity taking over



that is not an impossibility based on their level of vibration,but in my experience it is extremely unlikely,that the whole idea of making a resonant connection in and of itself is an integrative act which in a sense means it's a mechanically positive act

there for the whole idea of blending is in some senses just the opposite of even being capable of attracting something negative,which by definition is segregated and domineering

so try to reconcile that idea within yourself that you don't even really necessarily need to do anything in particular to make yourself feel safe

whatever your intention is behind doing this is what's going to determine what kind of things you"re going to contact or are even capable of contacting you

because whatever you are not the vibration of,you are invisible to that reality and they"re invisible to you,you cannot interact unless you have an underlying belief that for some reason you need to attract that kind of drama in your life,some people do

again if you do attract that kind of drama,make it work for you,be creative with it,be imaginative with it,and make it work for you however you want to use this energy

you will find,I think,as I have and other channels have,that when you begin this process you will constantly test yourself,and that means you will constantly check to make sure that you really believe this is happening,you really still wanna do this,you really still can do this

you"ll just find now and then that you will test yourself,and one of the ways that I found,that I and others have test themselves over and over again is

…because we were born here like anyone will get caught up sometimes in a little bit of an ego game…

and that is,"oh,look how far I"ve come,I know how to handle this,it's going fine,I know everything there is to know about channeling"

as soon as I think that,I get smashed by ten-ton mallet,okay

you will constantly test yourself and you have to allow yourself…one of the greatest keys that I"ve discovered in making sure that you are always staying somewhat balanced in this,

is to drop any assumption or expectation about what the channeling is supposed to do

bottom line,the simplest way to say it is,people have an expectation about what this means to bring this kind of energy through,

and they can get caught up in the idea of what it represents and what is supposed to happen in order for them to believe they"re functioning correctly

one of the best things you can do for yourself and one of the ways you can treat yourself most kindly in this entire process no matter what you may think you"re connecting to,no matter how omniscient or omnipotent it's supposed to be,

its okay for you to all of the sudden in the middle of any kind of channeling,it's okay to realize you don't know what you"re supposed to do,you don't know what you"re supposed to say,you don't know what the information is supposed to be,

it's okay that the entity doesn't know,you have to let it be alright that you just don't know

and if that's what happens at that moment,let it go,that is sometimes one of the strongest tests you give yourself,

it is because when you start thinking that there's gotta be something there or you"ll look like you don't know what you"re doing,

that's when you really get into trouble and you will start bringing things through that are truly imbalanced and inaccurate

so if all the sudden there's just nothing coming through,there's is just nothing coming through,and that's all you have to do about it

so please don't push ourselves faster than you really need to go with this,remember very very importantly,especially if you begin a journey of this kind of channeling and especially if you decide to go public with it,again there is no point in doing this at all,

there's no point in the idea of helping others if you do not treat yourself with the same respect

so don't overtax yourself,don't overwork yourself,don't think you have to perform,don't think you have to do this for other people,create your own schedule for this

if you don't treat yourself well,if you don't take time to be who you want to be aside from whatever service you think you may be providing in channeling,you"re not going to be of much service,

because you will wear yourself out and even though in time the energy can be energizing,at first that might be tiring,

because you may not be used to it in time,it ought to be energizing,if over a long period of time it is not energizing,there's something there you need to look at,

there may be more resistance than you think,there might be more definitions getting in your way than you think

but if it's not something that gives you a chance to be yourself and take time for yourself and do the things that you want to do and know that you"re living a life here on earth then you"re going too far

because as Bashar said,"services not servitude",so there was a time about the 2nd or 3rd year of my channeling,when I was channeling almost every day,it was just too much,

I was literally almost never here,I was not grounded in that sense,I felt burned out because I was not living my life

in the channeling experience as I experience the time is very collapsed I only experience about half the amount of time that you do,

so it's like I wake up in the morning,I shut my eyes I open my eyes,it"d be night,I have no day,I wasn't living a life here,

so I learned to regulate,pull back and say,"okay you know,once a week twice a week whatever,that's what I"m comfortable with,that's okay to do"

so if you go this particular route,please don't push yourself in that sense and no one can demand that you help them in that way,otherwise you"re not going to wind up being of much help

one of the things that happens very often especially in this kind of channeling is that people will start channeling and all of a sudden they"re channeling this entity and that entity and this entity,and next week they"re channeling 27 different entities

it's not that that cannot happen,but in my experience,that's exceedingly rare and the idea is that that may happen now and then but this is a symptom,it's a good symptom actually,but many people mistake it for something that its not

again discernment is important,you have to decide that this is what this really is

but again in my experience in looking other channels,you"ll find quite commonly that when people just begin,they"re relatively new,and all the sudden they"re channeling 50 million different entities and this federation and that federation and everyone's changing hands at the drop of a hat

you"ll usually find that what that is,is all the different fragments of our own personality that we have been forced to have in our consciousness for our history,both personal and collective,are starting to come to the surface so they can reintegrate okay

so many times what may seem to be,you know Akbar from dimension 12 and all the sudden then blue lady from the lagoon over here and then this and that

…not to discount anyone…are portions of our own personality that we need to recognize archetypally and symbolically as things we need to integrate into our own understanding of who we are

once that starts to happen you"ll usually find…as part of the natural process…that it"ll become less and less and less and less entities and you will usually…if you"re dealing with another entity…

you"ll find yourself starting to settle more down to three or two or one or something along that line with maybe a visit now and then,who knows

but realize that that's a very typical symptom and that's really mostly all it is usually,again there may always be exceptions but I"m talking in generalities,

it's usually all the fragments of yourself coming back together,making themselves known,reclaiming their autonomous position within you,

because you"ve been fragmented,a lot of these have been suppressed,never expressed for a long time,they"re claiming their right to be announced as real within you which doesn't mean they"re not real,

but mostly it has to do with who you are as an entity yourself and a consciousness and once that begins to integrate,

you"ll either find that one of them will become predominant or something else altogether different…once you"ve made the integration…will announce itself and come in on the issue of announcement

when I first received the connection,there was a word there,the word was Bashar,as I"ve said it's not his name,its an Arabic word that's partly my background which is part of the reason why it might have been chosen

I don't speak Arabic I have no idea what the word meant,it means messenger I"ve been told

that doesn't always happen,sometimes there are reasons for getting a name,sometimes there are reasons for not getting a name

so if again you have the expectation or the assumption that you"re moving in this direction,you get some kind of what feels like a contact,

you can ask should there be a name,do you want a name,or if it's not there you know automatically then you can ask,if no name comes please don't think you have to have a name in order for it to be valid,

Again,as I always say at the beginning of these things,the information is what's valid

It doesn't always really matter where it's coming from

Because you already go in knowing that you are doing this for positive attention,you know you gonna bring through stuff that's gonna be of service somehow

So you don't have to worry that they don't have a name,who knows what this is,maybe it's just me,and maybe that means it's no good

Please don't worry about having to have a name if you made that kind of connection,that isn't always important,and sometimes it can actually be counter productive in certain circumstances



Along that line,also,please remember that…

back to the assumption of"it should be this,it should be that,it should com through this way,if somebody asks a question,I should be able to get the information for them,blablabla…"

…sometime you have to realize that the whole concept of channeling in that way and being of service in that way

Means that you"ll give the person,intuitively,instinctively you will let the information come through that really actually serves what that person needs or wants to hear

Many times a person like going to a healer—healer,of course healing is a form of channeling energy—they would go to a healer only for the purpose of proving(to someone or themselves) that they can not be healed

So the healer who does not allow them the effect to change themselves,may all of sudden erroneously think,"oh,I"m a failure,I failed,I couldn"t heal them"

But that maybe exactly what that person wanted,because they have pride in"not being able to be healed" for some reason

In that sense,they attracted themselves to someone,with whom they can work,where they can show,"look,I"m beyond help"

And they actually walked away with what it is they came to get,which is proof that they cannot be healed

So in that sense,you have served them

So don"t assume that you always have to be everything to everyone

and always have the assumption in your head that"It's gotta go this way,or that"

that's not always the case,and that's just one example of how that can go…but,take it to heart

OK,we"ll get into other kinds of labels and things later

Right now,I think it's important to get a little bit interactivity now

I"m not gonna ask each and every one of you,all these questions will take too long

But I will ask you really one question,and I would like an answer from each and every one of you

Not because I need to hear it,but because you need to hear yourself say it,so it's an important step

I wanna know—why you are here? Why do you wanted to be in a channeling class? How do you wanna channel? Why do you wanna do that?

Why are you here?

W1:I was in the channeling before,it helped me a lot,and now I want continue to go channel and help other people

Yeah,OK let's go ahead and pass the mic around

Why are you(here)?

W2:I"d like to have my channel open so I can be receptive to whatever energy and…

Is there a particular way you wanna use this?

W2:No,I have no expectation yet

So you just open and you recognize the energy can be of help…however you wanna use it

W2:right(Alright,thank you!)

M1:I think the core idea for me is to facilitate change here,and I"ll most likely use it in writing and some voice(OK,great)

M2:I want to expand my channeling capacity,I"ve done it on paper,mostly for about 10 or 15 years,and I have received such tremendous value,it helped my growth,so now I want to be able to offer it to others,either as a service or a teacher or as a transformer as well

OK,hahahahha,change the world

M2:I'll…I'll keep it at a modest level(OK,that's fine)

W3:I'm just literally fascinated by the experience of channeling,it's just…feel excited(You do? OK)

Now remember again,all of you were saying what you wanna be right now,don"t necessarily assume that's where you"ll wind up

But,make a statement for now,so that you remember you heard yourself say this

So if it goes one way or the other,you know who to blame,hahahha

M3:the reason for me,I have being channeling before,knowingly and unknowingly,and providing hypnosis therapy,I feel this will be a valuable tool to be of service,and whether I take this to the next step and go public,depends upon the results I received(OK)

W4:I really don"t have any expectations right now,but I do know that I always had a passion for it,and that I"d love to use it in healing field(OK,thank you)

W5:I just wanna do this for expanding,I know I channel at night for some reason,I don"t really remember it,but I just want to find out what it opens up for me(OK,thanks)

W6:I don"t know,it just sounded really fun(crowd laughing),and exciting and for whatever my highest good will be in whatever manner,no idea(OK)

W7:as well,I feel very strong to be here today,I just feel it would be for my highest good,which I feel would be for other people's highest good,in that sense(OK)

W8:I guess it just really excites me and that's it

(Any particular methodology that excites you? Or just the whole idea?)

Well,I think when I first met Bashar,everything is just like…clicked,and it's just really exciting and opened up a whole new world to me,so I"d like just to take it further(alright,thanks)

M4:basically I"m interested in developing my creative capacity,I worked as a musician,and experienced altered states of consciousness while playing music…(drugs don"t count)

No,don"t even need them(everyone laughing)

And I"m working on sculpting now,so…(oh,that"ll be great,OK)

W9:Hi,I recently had a very strong energy merge with(I heard about that) yeah,with the energy that I"m working with,so I think that this will help me just bring it on through(OK)

W10:I wanted to learn about it so I could access information for me or others,and I don"t know if I"ll be a vocal channel or not,so we"ll see(OK)

You wanna go back there…is Chris back there?

(yeah,he's hiding)

You wanna stay back there? Is that where you wanna be?

Chris:yeah I like this chair(OK,alright) uh,I"ve been channeling a lot of different way since I was a child that I never really understood,I always felt like there's beings or entities or something that are always trying to communicating with me,so I just like to be better at that,to be able to open up my channels more(OK,thanks)

(bring the mic on forward)

W11:I knew you"re gonna ask this(well you"re psychic already!) no no,I was trying to analyze why I wanted to go to this class,and I"ve always been interested in anything metaphysical,almost drowned that way,but I would read books on channeling and I almost envy people in California because they always had those groups to go to,and there weren"t many in Las Vegas,so I was just excited to be a part of this,I don"t know what's gonna happen,but I just really gland to be here(well,we"ve start first group there,haha)

M5:because I"m here just to better myself,that's about it,I have no other expectation(well,there's nothing wrong with that,hah)

W12:it's always been exciting to me,and I do a lot of healing work,I think it would help me to expand my energy to be more focused,and just be more creative(great,thanks)

W13:I think what I would like to do is just be able to access positive and good information for myself mostly,and then I would really love to be a writer and have some really positive energy come through(great,OK)

M6:I just want to find more clarity and answers that I have and just in the messages that I receive,maybe on a monthly basis,so I can just really open my understanding of those(like subscribing some kind of newsletter for every month? hahaha)

W14:I"m also following my excitement,and I"ve been presuming healing arts and I want to expand to channeling,perhaps help other people and myself

W15:I"d like to be able to control things that do happen already along these lines and then all of the above

M7:my very first experience was learning about Edgar Cayce,when I read much about Cayce,I wondered how did he do this,and over a period of 25 years so I looked here and there,when this came up,I just said,"OK,now I need my guide"(OK,great)
男7:我第一次接觸通靈是因為聽說了埃德加·凱西,當我第一次讀到他的書時,就很好奇他是怎麼做到的,這25年來,我四處找尋答案,直到今天聽說這兒有通靈課程,我便告訴自己,"好的,是時候獲得引導了"(譯註:這裡音頻不清,也可能是now it's my time—是時候揭曉答案了)

M8:I guess I"m just excited about the idea of channeling,it seems to be like a natural progression of maybe the last 15 or 20 years of studying some of these metaphysical ideas,and channeling seems to be exciting,seems like it could be fun,natural progression,and also in playing the game I play over the years,I"ve sensed the idea,especially when I was more intense and spent more hours per day at it,and I definitely had the altered state experience,didn"t have a label for it back then,understand from what I"ve learned in the last several years,especially that this would be a form of channeling and I was excited by that change of the time,and so this whole idea is exciting

M9:I do feel pain in my neck,and my arms are…I get some conversation already with entities…

W16:I…I would like my channel to be open and clear so I may better enhance my life and those that I interact with(OK,thank you)

M10:I"ve been an audient for about4years and it's revolutionized my life,it has completely reversed a spiral that was headed in one direction or another,into one that has been so fulfilling and so enriching that I"ve come almost committed to the idea that anyway we can expand this natural innate gift that all of us possessed,so that more of us use what's natural to us in a coherent way,anyway we can do that,any kind of format that we can create to courage it,I am 1000% behind it,and your work has always resonated with me,I"ve always felt very trusting of it,and to have you do more of this in Las Vegas is really the primary goal in my end of things,is to see more of that in a larger way(and yourself),true,and my own game…(This is what this is for,so that you can learn to do this yourself) Yeah,and I"m just so excited for the growth of it in the town(OK,thanks)









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