
問:Do you have a way of generally describing these kinds of pre-life agreements, between perpetrators and victims, as a chosen life experience by both of them?


巴夏:We base our system of understanding upon something we have already defined and explained at various times:the idea we have called "knowingness."That being, knowingness serves to function as a neutral place.Belief,emotion and action are three things; each possessing a polarity, which creates six.

Thus,from your Knowing Self,your neutral Self,your fulcrum point,your lever point,the gateway or doorway through which your existence pours itself "into"physical reality so to speak,you create a prism.A three-fold prism with,of course,its polarized counterpart.But fundamentally,it is a three-fold prism of belief,emotion and physical action.We have rendered this idea into the formula of manifestation called "See it,Feel it and Be it."

The idea is that your knowledge, your neutral Knowing Self, is rendered into a template that is defined by:1) a vision or blueprint; 2) by a "feeling" or"emotion" which, in that sense, is the activation principle, the energization principle; and 3) the "being it," the physical acting-out or "action" principle.All three are necessary.And the balance of these three between their polarities are necessary in order to achieve or be able to create any physiological manifestation that would then express itself as what you have called a "preagreement" or overall life theme of a chosen lifetime for the persona.

Thus it is recognized that the persona, created out of the three-fold prism of belief, emotion and physical action portions of the template are responsible for at any given moment expressing the particular point along the path that you are at as a soul, the particular reflections you are creating in your life, and the personality aspect that is reflective of the themes you are exploring in whatever way your free will has decided to explore them.And as such the persona is in that sense an "artificial" or "flexible" construct which can be transmuted into any other kind of persona at a moment's notice.

Hence, this is why we say, "It does not have to play out that way" There may be pre-agreements, but in no way does any pre-arranged idea or pattern that you "re going to play-out in any particular life in no way must it play out through negativity, through lack of integrity.Again, those agreements can all be reconciled and transformed in a positive way.

When you align the overall energy of the persona with the Knowing Self, or the "highest self so to speak, when you synchronize and have balanced the three within the polarity structure—taking that Whole—the three have become balanced with the Knowing energy.You thus achieve the balance between the polarity of the physical and non-physical reality and "evolve" into, so to speak, becoming one with your Higher Self and have completed the cycle of your physiological manifestation for that lifetime, for that particular, shall we say, "fragment" of the Oversoul.





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