Unconditional love and acceptance create an environment of safety that allows others to drop their guard, to open up and simply be themselves.It offers the encouragement to embrace their authenticity, which leads to transparency and truth.How would your relationships shift if you created that safe zone for others? How would you shift if you shared your unconditional love, acceptance, and encouragement with yourself?
~Archangel Gabriel
無條件的愛和接納創造安全的環境,讓別人可以放下警惕,敞開,做自己。這提供鼓勵去擁抱自己的真實性,會導向透明度和真理。如果你為他人創造了那個安全地帶,你的人際關係會如何轉變? 如果你對自己分享無條件的愛,接納和鼓勵,你會如何轉變?
翻譯:Nick Chan