Some things will be relevant apparent,some things will appear to change relative rapidly,other things will not necessarily be apparent in that moment,but will establish the beginning seeds of change that will play-out over the years that will follow from that particular threshold moment of the fall of 2016.
However,as we have often said,of course,there is really no such things as prediction of THE future,because it is a flux.There are many probable realities.So what we are about to say is representative of the sensing of the energy in your collective consciousness and individual consciousness that exists right now in the present that are beginning to buildup such a strong momentum,such a strong degree of probability energy behind them,that they are unlikely to divert and very probably may begin to manifest in your physical reality,and as we have said,come to ahead in the fall of 2016.Or at the very least,begin to plant the seeds for the things that are open up over the few years after that.And you will be able to see that when those things change,you will be able to trace it back to the fall of 2016 and to see,where the change began.So you will be experiencing more immediate changes and some long term changes,but most of them will be able to be traced back to their beginning in the fall of 2016.
Now let us first again explain the idea that the expansion and contraction will be another way to begin to experience the positive and the negative mechanical reality
that reminds you that the positive is simple that which is integrative collective and expansive,connective,and that the negative energy is simply mechanical segregative dis-connective,contractive,in that way.
And therefore you will find based on the energy sate that you prefer at that time or you are creating at that time,that your physical reality will also begin to reflective the expansion and contraction in the variety of ways.So if you are more and more alignment with your true self,you will find that many different kinds of events circumstances synchronicities,people in your reality will begin really expand in a variety and magical ways.If you have a dominant energy of negativity based on the negative definitions that you maybe continuing to buy into,that is your primary state of being,then you will find yourself being disconnected from variety of things that your reality will begin to close in a variety of ways that will not allow you to know where opportunity lies.They will become invisible to you.And you will need to work to clear yourself those negative definitions before you will be capable of re-connecting to things that you may have initially been connected with.
Allow yourself again to realize this is not to scare you,but to give you sth to work with,so that you can understand more consciously and more intentionally what is going on and the mechanism.So that you can use it to your advantage,and not feel the things are happening to you,but truly understand that life is happening though you.Now again,on that note,in the upcoming couple of years,different things as we read the energy now are building up certain degrees of momentum in certain areas of your society.
Number one.
As we have said,initially between your years of 2015-2017,and now with the highest probability focal point,being some time around the fall of 2016,Your world will in some way shape or form finally realize that ET life in some form is a fact.And you will no longer believe that you are alone in some way.You will know for a fact that life is possible on other planet.It will not just be a conjecture,it will no longer just be a speculation.Again I remind you,not to embellishthis,we are simply saying that you will discover that life exists in some form on another planet.It might be a planet within your own solar system,and you might have discussed simply something like amoeba.But you will know that exist and you will know that means ET life is highly probable.That will begin to change the mindset of your entire reality,once you know that is a fact,to really accelerate the window of contact in those years between 2025-2033.But this is one of the first things that will occur is the discovery of life in some fashion that exist on another world.The probability fact of this in that window of 2015 to 2017 is 98%.
Now you will also begin to experience certain things happening within different portions of the infant structures of your society.Because many of you are eager to transform different sociological aspects of your society in different ways,you will find that some of this will also accelerate.And one of the ways you may begin to experience this some time around the fall of 2016 is the highest probability about 75-80% is you will have a broad change in your economic situation.You may experience what you call a great economic downturn in what you call your financial structures once again
However,the positive side of this is that it will create a different mindset about the idea of economic that will begin with a very strong upsurge from a large contingent in your society and particular in your particular in north American culture where you will begin to finally let it be OK to explore different ways to begin arrange your economic system.It will not change all at once,but one of the first things that will happen after this particular contraction of your economic system in that time frame Will be the complete revamping your taxation system,to allow your society to re-balance itself and get back on its feet.And this will cause a directional surge,that will be able to move its way like a wave of energy through your economic system that will have incredible repercussions in the following years,
so that by your year of 2020 you will find that many things in your economic system that no longer work for you will really begin to fall away,and that new systems will begin to be discussed and put in place in the beginning of that time frame.So that by your years of 2025-2030,you will have revamped your economic system in the way that will allow you to function far more easily in your planetary global system.This again has a factor going towards the year of 2020 of about 87-95% beginning with this contraction in your economic system somewhere around the 2016.
In your political system,you may find that things in 2016 may at first Appear—just be same? Same?going back to this going back to that,nothing new.But that will set the stage for sth that we have just talked about in terms of the revamping of your taxation and economic system.And then in your year of 2020,you yourself will create at about again 88% probability as we sense now a new completely historic event in the idea of your political system.
We will find also in what you call your scientific realms in this window up to 2015-2016 and up to the years of 2020-2025,a high degree of probability that you will finally allow yourself to have the very first hints and indications of sth that can really be practical and effective on your planet as an alternative energy system,that can be mass produced and allow for the beginning of the understanding of tapping into what you typically call free-energy.It will be infant kind of presentation at first,but it will mature very rapidly over the course of ten years following 2020-2025.
But this will also be predicated by a contraction where it is very likely that between now and some time in what you call 2017-2018,maybe 2019 at the latest,there is a high degree again about 98% probability that there is going to be another relatively devastating terrorist action.This will turn things around in a variety of ways or at least begin to.
And again this idea will proceed very slowly into the natural cycle of things.But because this is a natural cycle that you have accelerated with your technologies and the gases that you are pumping into the atmosphere at a rapid rate,you will find that this entire cycle will also be accelerated,and this whole process will occur over the next fifty of your years.And into that time,rather than taking a few hundred years,as it might otherwise normally have done in the natural cycle.But that's alright,you will get through it.There will definitely be things you will have to change,many of your coastal cities will no longer be capable of supporting individuals as they go underwater.But you will work this out over time.
One moment
You will also find a high degree of probability again in the 90 percentile that by 2020-2025 at the latest,you will have to be able to conform historically the existence of atlantes.Someone will finally find the last holy records that exists in that time frame.This again will also usher in a completely revamp understanding of your history.And many manymany of your history books will need to begin to be rewritten.You will also find in this holy records that not everything but large percentage of what was lost in the Library of Alexandria will be re-found.And so again you will gain much knowledge that heretofore has been lost to you over the course of the last centuries in your civilization.And again this will also ushering the idea of new golden age,a new Atlantean age,wherein you can really begin to accelerating your progression in this way.