There may be times where you put a great deal of effort into a person, place or thing.You seem to be doing everything "right"but, somehow, things are not coming together. Do not lose heart! You may be so focused on one way of doing things that you failed to notice The Universe pointing you to a solution that will work. Today, you are invited to take a step back, look at the infinite picture! There are many ways of reaching the same goal, you just need to keep an open mind!
~ Creator
有時候你在一個人、地方或事情上下了太多功夫。好像一切都做"對"了, 可是卻無法發揮整體的功效。不要失去信心,也許是你太過專注於一種做事的方式,而沒有注意到宇宙提示你的另一個解決方法。今天我請你退後一步,凝視那無窮盡的畫面!達成同一個目標可以有許多不同的方式,你需要做的只是保持思想的開放!
September 19, 2016 by jenniferfarley