There are many problems.The house is burning, not only your particular little place but the house of everyone; it does not matter where one lives—in the Communist world or in the world of affluence or in this poverty-ridden country, the house is burning.This is not a theory, not an idea, not something the expert, the specialist, points out.
There are revolts, racial conflicts, immense poverty, the explosion of population.There are no limits to cross any more—either going to the moon or in the direction of pleasure.Organized religions, with their doctrines, beliefs, dogmas and priests, have completely failed and have no meaning any more.There is war, and the peace that the politician is trying to bring about is no peace at all.
Do you see all this?—not as a theory, not as something pointed out for you to accept or to reject, but as something from which you cannot possibly escape, by resort either to some monastery or to some past traditional ideation.The challenge is there for you to answer:it is your responsibility.You have to act, you have to do something entirely different; and, if possible, find out if there is a new action, a new way of looking at the whole phenomenon of existence.
You cannot possibly look at these problems with an old mind, living a conditioned, nationalistic, individualistic life.The word "individual"means a being that is not divided, that is indivisible.But individuals are divided in themselves; they are fragmented, they are in contradiction.What you are, society is and the world is.So the world is you, not something apart, outside you.
And when you observe this phenomenon throughout the world, the confusion that is created by the politicians with their lust for power, and by the priest turning back to his old responses, muttering a few words in Latin, or Sanskrit, Greek or English, you have no faith or trust in anything or anybody any more.The more you observe outwardly what is going on and the more you observe inwardly, the less trust you have in anything, nor have you confidence in yourself.
So the question is whether it is at all possible to throw away immediately all conditioning.That means, as the crisis is extraordinary, you must have a new mind, a new heart, a new quality in the mind, a new freshness, an innocency.And that word "innocency"means an inability to be hurt.It is not a symbol, it is not an idea; it is actually to find out if your mind is capable of not being hurt by any event, by any psychological strain, pressure, influence, so that it is completely free.
If there is any form of resistance, then it is not innocency.It must be a mind that is capable of looking at this crisis as though for the first time, with a fresh mind, a young mind, yet not a mind that is in revolt.Students are in revolt against the pattern, the established order, but the revolt does not answer the human problem, which is much vaster than the revolt of the student.
Can the mind, which is heavily conditioned, break through, so that it has great depth, a quality which is not the result of training, propaganda, of acquired knowledge? And can the heart, which is burdened with sorrow, which is heavy with all the problems of life—the conflicts, the confusion, the misery, the ambition, the competition—can that heart know what it means to love? Love that has no jealousy, no envy, that is not dictated to by the intellect, love that is not merely pleasure.Can the mind be free to observe, to see?
Can the mind reason logically, sanely, objectively, and not be a slave to opinions, to conclusions? Can the mind be unafraid? Can the heart know what it means to love?—not according to social morality, for social morality is immorality.
You are all very moral according to society, but you are really very immoral people.Don't smile.That is a fact.You can be ambitious, greedy, envious, acquisitive, full of hate, anger, and that is considered perfectly moral.But if you are sexual, that is considered something abnormal, and you keep it to yourself.And you have patterns of actions and ideas—what things you should do, how a sannyasi should behave, that he must not marry, that he must lead a life of celibacy; this is all sheer nonsense.
Now how are you to confront this issue? What should you do? First of all, you have to realize that you are all slaves to words.The words "to be"have conditioned your mind.Your whole conditioning is based on that verb "to be":I was, I am, I will be.The "I was"conditions and shapes the "I am", which controls the future.All your religions are based on that.
All your conceptual progress is based on that term "to be".The moment you use the word, not only verbally but with significance, you inevitably assert being as "I am"—"I am God", "I am the everlasting", "I am a Hindu or a Muslim".The moment you live within that idea or within that feeling of being or becoming or having been, you are a slave to that word.
Meeting Life, "The Unburdened Mind"