The stage is set, the actors have and are on their marks, the orchestra is poised and ready to begin the swell of music signaling the beginning of Act I. Where are you? Are you in the audience, sitting back and watching it all unfold before you? Or are you on stage participating and moving the story in a different direction? In the coming weeks and months, you will have a very important decision to make.
舞台設置好了,演員也各就各位,樂隊已坐定,準備大聲演奏一首預示第一幕即將開始的音樂。你在哪裡 ?是否坐在觀眾席後面看著這一切在你前方展開?還是你也在舞台上參與演出,要將這個故事推往另一個方向?未來的幾周和幾個月內,你要做一個很重要的決定。
It is your choice; you can remain stationary and quiet, complaining about how"it wasn"t like the book" or"it didn't end the way you thought it would"…or…you can add your voice to the chorus.You chose to come into your history at this grand and pivotal moment in time to affect change.Now is the time to jump into action, my child.Do not let it pass you by! ~ Creator
November 20, 2016 by jenniferfarley