The transition from a year of completion(2016) into a year of creation(2017) involves truly letting go of the old and stepping into the new.As you are creating in fresh and unprecedented energies, the questions to ask as you look forward, more than ever before is,"What will bring me joy in my personal life?" and,"How can I be of joyful service?" If you put joy as the centre of all of your creations, you will be moving with the energies into your highest potentials like never before.
~Archangel Gabriel
從2016完成之年到2017創造之年的過渡包括真正地放下舊的並步入新的。隨著你在新的、前所未有的能量中創造,你需要問問自己:什麼會帶給我喜悅? 我如何才能喜悅地為他人服務? 如果你把喜悅作為你創造的核心,你會伴隨著能量進入最高的潛能。
翻譯:Nick Chan