I am"Adama".I come briefly, unannounced, to share with you another part of this before"Divine Mother" speaks here.
I am here to tell you now, for those who do not know who I am, I am the High Priest of Telos.I await now just as all of my brothers and sisters here within the Agarthan realms, here within Telos, here within some like to call Middle Earth, we are all here now preparing for that shift in consciousness that is occurring on the surface of the planet.
Very soon we will be adding to that consciousness that shift.As the vibrations continue to increase, as the frequencies rise we can make ourselves more and more known.We have already begun this process.Many of us have moved to the surface.Unknown to most.Filtering in, infiltrating the surface society.
We are gauging, those on the surface are gauging the consciousness shift that is occurring as the frequencies continue to rise.They are reporting back to us what the process is and how it is going.
We have begun to open the doors to our realm to all of the surface people who are ready.It takes a vibrational increase for you to match our frequencies.As you have heard before, those of us whether above or below are not coming down to your vibration, you are coming up to ours.This is the only way we can come together.This is the only way we can pull this Ascension Process together.To make it all happen.
As"Archangel Michael", as"Sananda" has said, as many have said we are all in this together.We are all a part of this great orchestration.We are doing our parts.You are doing your part.Very soon we will be coming together.
Many of us are looking toward that day.Many of us, if you can picture a calendar and marking off the days, not literally, but that is somewhat what is occurring.For we are longing to join with you once again, our brothers and our sisters of the Light.
I am"Adama".I love you all.Adonai.
通靈:Susan Sammarco
翻譯:Nick Chan