
Petrodollar doomed as Qatar breaks ranks and sells its oil in Yuan
Benjamin Fulford, 19 June, 2017
本傑明·富爾福德 2017年6月19日

The crisis in Qatar marks a major turning point in the battle against the Khazarian mafia. Ostensibly Saudi Arabia and other oil exporting states decided to try to blockade Qatar “because it was supporting terrorism.” In reaction to this move, US President Donald Trump showed the world he was not in charge of the US by first supporting the blockade and then being forced by the Pentagon to change his stance 180 degrees the next day. What is really going on here is that Qatar reached a deal with Iran to export gas from its massive gas fields not West in exchange for worthless Euros or US dollars but rather East to places like India and China in exchange for their currencies.

The US House of Whores, oops! I mean House of Representatives. reacted to this development by passing new sanctions against Russia that basically amounted to telling Europe to buy expensive American gas instead of cheap Russian gas. The Germans and Austrian reacted by telling the Americans to buzz off.

These developments show clearly the old regime is falling apart with splits between Washington and the EU becoming more pronounced by the day.

The Khazarian mafia controlled Saudis and their Israeli partners in crime have seen their entire plan for an “Arab Nato,” blow up in their faces. True Muslim countries like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others together with super powers like Russia and China lined up to support Qatar, leaving the Saudi Israel alliance isolated. India and Pakistan have shown they are with Russia and China by joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, something Iran is expected to do next year.

The US military, for its part, showed it was against the Khazarian mafia by staging joint military drills with Qatar last week even as China staged drills with Iran. Pentagon sources explain “The US military needs Qatar because of the Al Udeid airbase.” The Pentagon sources did not mention the fact Qatar also offered to buy $12 billion worth of US military jets to help keep the Pentagon financed. In any case, the airbase also functions to ensure that madman Satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow Khazarian mobsters do not get any chance start World War 3, the sources say. A more direct message would be “SURRENDER OR DIE.”

The battle to remove the Khazarians from all levers of control in Washington DC is also intensifying. The fake blame everything on Russia campaign by the Khazarians is blowing up with even Khazarian owned corporate propaganda media stooges starting to expose it as completely bogus.

The following twitter storm issued by Donald Trump summarizes quite well how the power struggle in DC is going:

“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very bad and conflicted people! They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are? Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, ‘bleached’ emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction? G. Lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes…gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection. Totally illegal!”

Pentagon sources say the next stage in the battle against the Khazarian mafia hold-outs in DC will begin with the arrest of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, special counsel Robert Mueller as well as Hillary Clinton (although CIA sources say she died last year), Barack Obama, former attorney general] Loretta Lynch, former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, former CIA head John Brennan, former NSA director Michael Hayden and others “at the 2nd stage to decapitate the deep state,”  Fired FBI director James Comey has “been singing like a canary,” about the Khazarian mob as well as the P2 Freemason lodge, CIA sources confirm.

“Comey was forced to commit 2 stage seppuku in front of congress,” the sources say. He began ratting on his colleagues to avoid being charged with “multiple felonies for leaking, misprision (deliberately hiding knowledge) of felony, aiding obstruction of justice etc.” the Pentagon sources continue.

The attack against Trump son in law Jared Kushner has also intensified as Trump picked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s attorney and friend Chris Wray to run the FBI. “Kushner hates Christie for putting his criminal mosado dad Charles in jail when he was New Jersey prosecutor,” the sources note.

The Khazarians are of course literally fighting for their lives as their control grid continues to collapse. “House Republican majority whip (#3) Steve Scalise may have been shot because of his support of anti-child sex trafficking law as the battle against pedophilia escalates,” the Pentagon sources note.

The George Bush Sr. faction of the Khazarian mob is also still diligently working to eliminate the evidence trail by bumping off former senior associates. That is why former Panamanian Dictator Manuel Noriega and arms dealer/CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi were recently bumped off, Pentagon sources say.

The power elite in Washington DC is also in a deadlock because of MAB or mutually assured blackmail preventing the long awaited mass arrests of known criminals like Senator John McCain. The answer will probably have to be to remove the 70% or so of Washington DC politicians, both Republican and Democrat, who have been corrupted by drugs, pedophilia, bribes etc.

In Europe, meanwhile the German controlled Vichy regime in France run by Rothschild puppet Emmanuel Macron stole Sunday’s Parliamentary election to give his slave regime the appearance of popular support.

The French Rothschild regime is circling the wagons as Wikileaks of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail reveal to the world at large what this newsletter reported years ago and that is the fact the French overthrew the Libyan regime of Muammar Gadaffi because he threatened their control of French Africa with his plan to issue a gold backed Dinar.

In a sign the battle for Africa is far from over, the French staged robbery of gold mines in Mali came under renewed attack last week as a resort for ex-pats there was attacked.

Khazarian attempts to prolong their financial system by seizing gold are also continuing in many parts of the world.

In the Philippines, the US military helped President Rodrigo Duterte fight Khazarian hired Daesh mercenaries who were trying to seize gold in Marawai.

Also last week in the Island of Bougainville ten trucks filled with mercenaries were dispatched to try to capture White Dragon Society representatives, including this writer, visiting King David Peii II. The Bougainville Rebel Army stopped them by cutting down trees and shutting a highway after the WDS representatives were evacuated. The French Branch of the Rothschild family, through their Rio Tinto Zinc corporation, are trying yet again to force landowners in Bougainville to sign over to them the rights to mine gold on the Island. The Rothschilds also do not want the world at large to know they are guilty of slaughtering at least 10% of the Island’s population. It is because of this history of slaughter and environmental destruction that the locals would rather fight another war than let those mass murdering war criminal back in.

We will write more about this and other related news in a special report to be issued later this week. Suffice it to say for now that the Rothschilds, especially the French branch headed by wanted criminal David de Rothschild, will not get their hands any of the huge gold supplies on that island.

In Japan, meanwhile, the Khazarian puppet regime of Shinzo Abe showed how insecure it was by passing an “anti-conspiracy” bill that gives the government power to arrest people for crimes they have not yet committed. This sort of acceleration of repressive measures was seen in Eastern Europe too in places like Romania just before the regimes there collapsed.

Sources in Japanese military and law enforcement circles say they will not obey criminal orders from the politicians to oppress the people despite the passage of this law.

In any case, right wing sources close to the Emperor say Abe is very ill and has been advised by his doctor to resign or else die within six months. However, Abe intends to die in office, the source says.

Japanese power brokers are waiting for the civil war inside the US government to end before they make any big changes here, multiple sources agree. So for now the old Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled regime remains in place here even though it has no support from the military or other armed groups in the country. However, behind the scenes, the Khazarians have already lost Japan as well as South Korea.



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