
U.S.President Donald Trump becomes Obump with Zionist Meltdown at UN
Benjamin Fulford, 25 September, 2017
猶太復國主義聯合國坍塌 川普變成第二個奧巴馬
本傑明·富爾福德 2017年9月25日

Something has gone seriously wrong with U.S.President Donald Trump, as was obvious to any aware person who listened to his speech at the UN last week. By threatening to 「totally destroy North Korea,」 he was the only world leader threatening war at a venue designed to promote peace.

Trump did this because he is being blackmailed by the Khazarian mob with videos of him having sex with an underaged girl, CIA sources say, confirming what Pentagon sources have previously said.

The CIA sources add that there is also a video of him killing the girl that was faked using computer graphics, something the Pentagon sources were not aware of. In addition, 「Trump is trying to stay alive and keep his family from harm,」 the CIA sources say.

If you look at this picture of White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly burying his head in his hands as Trump veers away from the agreed-upon speech text, you can tell the U.S.military had no part of this travesty.
如果你看一下白宮辦公廳主任約翰·凱利(John Kelly)的照片,約翰低頭沉思,幾乎顯得很無奈,因為川普偏離了商定的演講文本,要知道美國軍方的意願並沒有這部份。

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un's counter-threat to 「definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S.dotard with fire,」 just added to the same Khazarian theatrics that are designed to fill the world's people with fear.

You do not have to dig very deep to show that North Korea and Donald Trump take orders from the same Khazarian mobsters. The trail, as we shall show, leads to the Rothschild complex in Zug, Switzerland.

In Trump's case, the Khazarian mob connection can be found by looking at who came up with the money to save him when he went bankrupt—the Rothschilds, whose headquarters are in Zug.

Of course, Trump, like his predecessor Barack Obama, is torn between two opposing forces—the U.S.military patriots and the Khazarian mob—so he has to flip-flop in public in order to keep both masters happy.

For North Korea, let us connect a few of the many publicly available dots to remind us of their Khazarian link. Let's start with North Korea's nuclear technology. Former U.S.Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, for example, sat on the board of the Swiss company ABB, which provided nuclear technology to North Korea. This let it manufacture plutonium, an essential ingredient in nuclear weapons.
對朝鮮來說,讓我們把一些公開的小點聯繫起來,以一窺他們的「可薩暴徒」鏈接,就從朝鮮核技術開始。例如,前美國國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德(Donald Rumsfeld)的大屁股坐在瑞士ABB公司的董事會上,悠哉的向朝鮮提供核技術。讓朝鮮有了製造鈽的技術,是核武器的基本成份。

ABB,together with Group Edmond de Rothschild,is part of the UN-linked Global Compact Network.
ABB與埃德蒙德羅氏集團(Edmond de Rothschild))集團,共同參與了聯合國全球緊湊型網絡。

Then we find out it was the Khazarian rogue state of the Ukraine that provided North Korea with the rocket engines needed to put nuclear weapons on ICBMs.

There is a lot more publicly available information of this sort for those who look for it, but let us now switch to what this writer's own sources have to say.

First of all, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was assiduously courted with beautiful women, fancy cars, fine liquor, the Rothschild family while he was studying in Switzerland, according to a Rothschild family member.

Also, the Rothschild-linked British American Tobacco company has long been relabeling and selling North Korean tobacco worldwide, according to Mitsuhiro Suganuma of the Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency.

Tobacco is not the only North Korean drug being sold worldwide. Multiple sources, including senior members of the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza syndicate and MI6 agents in Macau, China, confirm that North Korea supplies amphetamines worldwide via the Khazarian's distribution network.

Then of course we have the slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan devoting most of his UN speech last week to trying to scare people about North Korea. Abe has been thoroughly linked to the Korean Unification Church.

The Unification Church has a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay, South America and has been publicly linked to drugs and arms smuggling.

Abe has further been stirring panic by warning Japanese nationals to evacuate from South Korea.

Somebody also sent a fake message to U.S.military families in South Korea to evacuate, prompting the U.S.military counterintelligence forces to investigate who was behind this fraudulent message. Maybe they should ask Abe.

Japanese intelligence officers describe the ongoing North Korean drama to a 「saru shibai,」 or 「monkey show,」 carried out by the same people pretending to be parts of two opposing teams.
日本情報官員把朝鮮上演的戲碼稱為「saru shibai」,即「猴子秀」,由同樣的人扮演兩個對立的團隊的一部份。

The North Koreans have long been promised by the Khazarians that they will be allowed to create a greater Manchuria, incorporating Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and North China, Japanese intelligence sources say.

The Rothschilds promised to move 40 million Japanese to North Korea and establish their Asian headquarters there after Fukushima, a Rothschild family member avowed. Then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan partially confirmed this to a capacity crowd at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan when he said he had been asked to evacuate 40 million from greater Tokyo after Fukushima.
羅氏承諾將向朝鮮轉移4000萬名日本人,並在福島核事故後在該處建立其亞洲總部。隨後,日本前首相菅直人在日本外國記者俱樂部(Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan)向一群人士證實了這一點。他說,在福島核事故發生後,他被要求從東京撤離4000萬人。

The Koreans in Japan take orders from a man called Kazuyoshi Kokubo, a son the emperor Hirohito had with a Korean princess, the Japanese sources note. It is he, and not the fake emperor, who controls the Bank of Japan for the Khazarians, these sources say.
日本消息指出,日本的朝鮮人接受了一個名叫北久和義(Kazuyoshi Kokubo)的男子的命令,他是裕仁天皇與韓國王妃的兒子。這些消息人士說,是他控制著日本銀行,而不是那些假天皇。

And now the North Koreans are being given increasingly deadly weapons by the Khazarians, while their counterparts in Japan push out relentless 「be scared of North Korea」 propaganda.

So what is really going on here? The answer of course, can be found using the old adage, 「Follow the money.」

The background story remains the de facto bankruptcy of the U.S.corporate government and the Khazarian mobsters who own it. This is nothing to do with the Republic of the United States of America they usurped. It also needs to be pointed out that as far as the American people are concerned, bankrupting the Satanic entity in Washington, D.C.will liberate them.

In any case, getting back to the bankruptcy, the Khazarians are using their old standby—the threat to start World War 3—this time using their North Korean proxy, in an attempt to extort more money to keep their horror show going.

They are also trying to use wildly exaggerated reports of damage to Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria as an excuse to declare 「force majeure」 and thus not have to pay the $123 billion which that DC-owned island owes. There is also a fraudulent campaign to raise disaster relief money for Puerto Rico. Just ask the Haitians or other victims of engineered disasters about how much aid money actually reached them.

The Department of Homeland Security is also paying police to try to extort more money from motorists. The situation has gotten so bad that the Canadian government is warning Canadians not to take much cash to the U.S.because it will be stolen by the police.

Their efforts to prop up their fraudulent fiat financial system, meanwhile, are turning the financial markets into a mass hallucination. So many people are waking up to the market's departure from reality that it is even becoming the butt of jokes.

We could go on with a whole laundry list of evidence, from looted pension funds to rotting infrastructure, showing how dire the U.S.corporate financial situation is, but anybody following the real news already knows this.

The other thing that is going on is that the Khazarians are losing control of oil, the stuff that backed their petrodollar ever since they ran out of gold back in 1971, triggering the 「Nixon shock.」 Venezuela has joined Iran, Russia and others in refusing DC dollars as payment for oil. Now the Russians are taking back oil fields controlled by the Khazarian proxy IS army in the Middle East, cutting off even more oil revenue.

The Khazarian slave state of Israel and its proxy mercenary armies are trying to grab oil using Kurdistan now, but 「Israel is opposed in its Kurdistan referendum gambit to steal more oil by major powers, as well as by Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the rest of the world,」 Pentagon sources say.

The cornered Khazarian Washington DC regime has been given enough money by its creditors to keep going until December 15, and what happens next is the subject of intense back-room negotiations. In that context, all this North Korean bluster is just table-thumping by the Khazarians as they negotiate their bankruptcy settlement.

So, what is likely to happen after December 15? 「Former navy man [Steven] Bannon met China's #2 Wang Qishan to establish a back channel for Trump, and perhaps to iron out final details for a global currency reset and gold-backed dollar,」 Pentagon sources say. 「Wang leads anti-corruption, but is still de facto financial czar and may last 5 more years,」 the sources note.

Meanwhile, we are informed by a mole in Rothschild headquarters in Zug, Switzerland, together with CIA sources, that a Rothschild agent was 「recently in the Canary islands, trying to buy some off ledger gold.」 「When they talk about buying "some"Au, this means 100 metric tons until [sic] 500 metric tons. It is their code,」 the source continues.
與此同時,我們被位於瑞士蘇黎世羅氏總部的一名告密者告知,和中情局消息來源一致,就是「最近在加那利群島(Canary islands)試圖購買一些黃金。」「當他們談論購買"一些黃金"的時候,是意味著100至500噸的數量。」這是他們的代碼。

A source in the Asian Dragon family also says that 「the elder of the family has finally lifted his heavy butt and released some funds.」 The first tranche of money will go to the Russian, Chinese, and U.S.militaries to be used to clean up the situation in Korea, Japan, and elsewhere, this source says.

Past experience has taught us to be reluctant to predict that things will happen on specific dates. However, December 15th is one to watch.





(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )



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