
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent.

When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don't collide.

The same power that harmonizes entire ecosystems loves you in ways you cannot possibly comprehend.This Source wants to help create greater love and order in your lives too. However, you were given the gift of free will. You are not robots, lovingly controlled by the Source, compelled by your design to live in order and harmony, as with all of nature.

You are beings made in love's image and likeness, gifted with the ability to not only live according to your original design, but also to create"new universes"within your own lives. If you, like nature, lived only according to your original design you would live beautiful lives, but then again a leaf cannot become more than it was designed originally to be.

You can.

Sadly the human race has forgotten its incredible nature and power to create.So many live with an"app"running in the computer of the human brain that we might easily label"iTryiSurvive."You interpret, file, and judge life's experiences as good or bad, right or wrong, useful or useless, when in reality life IS and you get to dance with it in a creative way. You do what you can to get by.

When you seek safety and survival, rather than exploration and creation, you limit Love's ability to assist you. When you allow your fears and resignation to limit your dreams, you narrow the field of infinite possibility down to only what you know. We are here to help you gently awaken into a greater reality –a reality where you run a different"app"in your brains, one that we would call"iLive-iLove-iCreate."

Let us look at a concrete example. So many of you want more abundance. You look at your life and don't know how you'd work more, create more business, or make more money. You think about bills or dreams you can't afford, and your brain starts to run its conditioned"iTryiSurvive"app.

You obsess about who you can ask for money, where else you can work, or what you can sell. You do your accounting over and over, focusing on your lack. iTryiSurvive takes all this input and tells you,"Sorry there is no way you can create the money you want. You might as well surrender to the fear of losing what you love or the resignation that comes with knowing your dreams will never come true."

However dear ones, what if you allowed yourself to run"iLive-iLove-iCreate!"then you would say,"Well right now I don't have much. Today I can't pay the bills or fund my dreams, but that's OK! That's yesterday's creation that is made manifest today. Today I will create more."

Rather than obsessing about money, you know you live in an unbounded universe.Money is only a tool. What do you really want? You want peace, security, or the fulfillment of your dreams. You allow yourself to"tune into"that feeling of having the bills already paid and living in peace.

You allow yourself to"tune into"that feeling of having your dream come true. Suddenly, as you live your life in gratitude and love in the present moment,"iLive-iLove-iCreate"which has been running quietly in the background of your mind, gives you ideas, draws you into helpful situations, brings you helpful people, and guides you straight into the life you want to life.

You are beautiful creators dear ones. Aim the power of the universe where you want it to go by focusing with delight on your beautiful creations. Disable the"iTryiSurvive app."Survival is already built into your operating system! Instead start to imagine you are running a better one…iLive iLove iCreate!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.—The Angels






通靈:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan



















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