Will the Jews finally be freed from Khazarian mafia slavery as Israel is liberated?
Benjamin Fulford, 16 July, 2018
當以色列被解放時 他們能否擺脫魔爪?
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年7月16日
The world is headed for a new age, not a New World Order. As a part of this, the Jewish people—high-level slaves of satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters—are about to be freed from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery. That is why the rogue state of Israel is now under full martial law as the Khazarian-controlled government there faces an ultimatum to surrender and free their Jewish and Arab hostages, according to Russian FSB and Pentagon sources.
A clear sign that the Jewish people are finally waking up came last week when Jewish human rights groups petitioned their government to stop arming neo-Nazis. Many are waking up now to the fact that Nazism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin. These are really the people whom Revelation 2:9 in the Bible refers to as"those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan."
Pentagon sources are also saying the British monarchy has formally surrendered to the U.S. military on behalf of the Khazarian-bloodline aristocratic families of Europe. During U.S. President Donald Trump's visit to the UK,"When Melania refused to curtsy, it appeared that the Queen has surrendered the British Empire and cabal to Trump, and to save face, Princes Charles and William did not show up to avoid the indignity,"a Pentagon source explains.
We can now say that it was the Europeans, including the British branch of the Rothschild family, who were behind the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan. This is likely to come out once the arrests of European Khazarian cabalists start in earnest, according to White Dragon Society (WDS) sources.
However, MI6 sources say that while the Rothschilds were indeed involved in Fukushima (along with the P2 Agnelli family, a portion of the U.S. space command, and others), the situation is not so simple. They say the Fukushima attack was a failed attempt to keep the owners of the G7 group in power.
So, they say, what is now really going on is that Western leaders are trying to come up with a united front in negotiations with Asian secret societies over the formation of a world government. For that reason, the European royalty-dominated Committee of 300 (headed by Queen Elizabeth) is willing to cede the day-to-day management of the negotiations to the U.S. military government represented by Trump, the sources say.
In any case, the trouble at the NATO summit meeting last week between Trump and other NATO leaders was another sign that the Khazarian-controlled post-war order is collapsing. Basically, Trump told the other leaders to pay more protection money, and they told him to buzz off.
Perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of this summit was the photograph at the link below.
This photo shows all the NATO leaders looking one way while Trump looks the other. This was almost certainly posed to send a message and shows that these"leaders,"including Trump, actually take orders from elsewhere.
It is obvious to any rational observer that NATO serves no useful function except to lobby for arms companies. The whole structure of propaganda and lies portraying Russia as an aggressor and a threat to Europe is Khazarian double-speak, with no basis in fact. The European countries, acting rationally, would rather spend their money on something other than military-industrial instruments of mass murder. That is why a recent opinion poll showed that only 37% of Germans want the U.S. military to remain in their country.
What is really going on here is that an agreement has already been reached between the U.S. and Russia over NATO, the Ukraine, Syria, and Israel, according to Pentagon and FSB sources. As this newsletter goes online, Trump will be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss this, Pentagon sources confirm.
Regardless of what public announcements are made after the meeting, FSB and Pentagon sources say the U.S./Russian deal involves U.S. recognition of the Russian annexation of the ethnic Russian-dominated Eastern Ukrainian provinces and a removal of the Khazarian Nazi regime in there.
In addition, the Russians and Iranians (with implicit support from China and the U.S. military) will force the rogue state of Israel to comply with international norms and agreements.
As we have mentioned before in this newsletter, a deal has already been reached between the White Dragon Society and the Gnostic Illuminati that allows for Russia to take over from the U.S. the guarantee of security for Western Europe, except for England.
In addition, a Russian FSB agent will arrive in Asia this autumn to discuss a new financial system with the WDS, the Japanese government, the U.S. military, and Asian secret societies, WDS sources say.
The details of the new financial system have yet to be settled, but there is general agreement that it will involve a combination of cryptocurrency and gold.
There is also an agreement that India will be given a much bigger role than it now has, they say. The U.S. will get more financing in exchange for sharing some of its secret high technology with the rest of the world, they add.
However, for now, despite this agreement, Trump has been asking Europeans to buy more American weapons ("Raise NATO spending to 4% of GDP") and oil ("Don't buy from the Russians—buy from us because we protect you from the Russians") since the United States is still de facto bankrupt. That is also why Trump is imposing import duties on Chinese goods. The U.S. needs money to keep itself in business.
When the U.S. was controlled by Khazarian oligarchs (and it should be spelled"oilgarchs"), it did not matter to them that the U.S. as a country was being impoverished by its trade deficit. That is because the Chinese were using the dollars they earned with their U.S. trade surplus to buy Middle Eastern oil from the oilgarchs.
That is one of the reasons why after the NATO meeting, Trump told CBS he thought of the Khazarian mob construct known as the EU to be a"foe."
The oilgarchs in turn used this money to finance the enslavement of humanity and the creation of a Khazarian-controlled world government.
What he means is that they have been draining the U.S. economy through trade, while making the Americans pay for their protection even as they worked against U.S. interests.
A new piece of evidence for the Khazarian plan to enslave humanity emerged last week when a senior member of an Asian secret society told this writer that they had received a proposal from the Khazarians to use every Japanese person as collateral for bonds.
That is why the Japanese government has been trying to impose a"My Number"system on its citizenry. The Asians, knowing this would extend the system of Babylonian debt slavery from the West to Japan, turned the offer down.
In the U.S., meanwhile, the liberation of that country is accelerating under the leadership of the U.S. military and agencies.
On this front, a Pentagon source who told us last week that Brett Kavanaugh was not going to be selected for the Supreme Court had the following explanation for why he was:"Things are not what they seem, as Trump may have picked Brett Kavanaugh (BK) at the last minute despite his heavy Bush baggage and cover-up of the Vince Foster murder so the Democrats can expend their political capital and lose the midterms if they Bork him."
在這方面,五角大樓的一名消息人士告訴我們,上週佈雷特(Brett Kavanaugh)是不會出任最高法官,當局解釋道:「事情並非如他們所見的,川普可能會發現,儘管佈雷特的行李很重,並掩蓋了文斯福斯特的謀殺案,民主黨可以花費政治資本,但如果他們向他賄賂就的話會失勢。」
In other words, BK is another Trojan horse who will allow the good guys to control the Supreme Court in the autumn, even as the bad guys think he is still their man.
The Pentagon sources are also now saying there could be over 80,000 arrests in the U.S. once the legal machinery is in place to process all the Khazarian mobsters who are going to be put away.
Only after that is finished will they start dealing in earnest with the Europeans and with the criminal slave government in Japan, the sources say.
The clean-up in Japan will begin in earnest next year after April, when the new Emperor formally ascends the throne, according to Asian secret society sources. They say that is also when Korean unification, and the possible unification of Korea with Japan, will also begin. Japan will also open its doors to large-scale immigration starting next year, the sources add.
Meanwhile in Mexico, hugely popular President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (Amlo) has begun a clean-up of the Khazarian mob in his country as well.
與此同時,在墨西哥,廣受歡迎的當選總統奧夫拉多爾(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador)也開始對該國的可薩暴徒進行清理。
Pentagon sources say they will not interfere in the Mexican clean-up, but add that he"has been warned not to allow Mexico to host foreign missiles or bases, join BRICS, cooperate with drug cartels, or mess with gringos."
That should work except for the part about the drug cartels, who will be incorporated into Mexico's legal economy whether the Americans like it or not, say Vatican sources connected to Amlo.
That is because legalizing and regulating drugs produces better results than have decades of the failed"war on drugs,"they note.
The U.S. will eventually figure this out.
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