My dear friends, we love you so very much,
We are always here beside you. Never do you live your lives alone. Never do you have to handle a challenge without wisdom, a betrayal without a trusted friend, a loss without a reminder of your eternal connection to abundance. Never do you have to figure out how to solve a problem or create a dream.
Dear ones, before you were born, angels were assigned to help and guide you throughout your journey of life. You do not need to know our names. In our realms, names are simply a unique vibration of energy. You do not need to worry about what we want from you. We want nothing from you. We want only for you the loving life that you, yourself, wish to create.
We can support you insomuch as you believe in the Creator's love for you and believe in your own dreams. Be open to asking for our help. Be open to receiving it. If you don't yet believe, ask us for signs that we are around. Ask to feel the love that we have for you. Ask to be comforted. Ask us to demonstrate that we are here helping you… and then be open.
Too often, humanity has been taught to look for only what it has seen in the past or right now. Perhaps you have not felt loved enough, assisted enough, or acknowledged. This can easily prevent you from believing that we would love, assist, or acknowledge you.
We are not human. We are aspects of the Creator's love for you – love made manifest so you can relate to it more easily! You can speak to the Presence of Love and Divinity within you directly or you can speak to us as individuals with a unique personality and function, and yet in each of those interactions you are talking to the Divine… simply in different forms.
我們不是人類。我們是造物主之愛的一個面向 - 愛顯化,這樣你可以更容易與它聯繫起來!你可以直接與你內在的愛和神性說話,或者你可以作為具有獨特個性和功能的個體對我們說話,然而在每一次互動中你都在與神聖的對話...只是以不同的形式。
So take a moment now. Sit. Breathe. Receive our love. We can help you adjust your energy so you become magnetic to that which you seek. We can, like your human "stage hands' arrange things to help you more easily move through life. We can give you an experience of the magnitude of this love to the degree you are willing to believe and receive.
We can help you, but we are bound by the covenant the Divine made with you before you were born, to honor your free will. You have the power to choose to focus on that which is love or that which is not, and in so doing, you choose how much love we are able to share with you.
Look for the good in life. Appreciate what you can. Honestly ask for help when you cannot find the higher spaces… and in so doing, you will allow us to help, assist, and transmute all lower energies to those of light.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通靈:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan