Shelley's Note:Everyone once in a while a reader will share a daily message on facebook that was posted long ago. That was the case with this message yesterday, and I thought it was exactly what we needed to hear today so I decided to repost it. Thanks to Milton Foster for bringing it back around for all of us. I honestly don't remember the day it was originally channeled but I do know it is just as pertinent today as it was the day it came through.
管道備註:每隔一段時間,有個讀者會在臉書上分享一則很久之前發佈過的每日信息。這則信息就是他昨天分享的,我認為它就是我們在今天需要的,所以我決定再次發佈它。謝謝Milton Foster把它帶來。我已經不記得最初的發佈日期,但我知道它在今天和那時一樣恰當。
Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright. If you meditate, or if you don't, it is alright. If you are patient and loving and then you are not, it is alright. If you shine brightly one day and then don't for a week, it is alright. It is all alright.
You see, you are growing and expanding, and you will do it at your own unique pace. In some areas you will move forward quickly, in other areas it may take more time. You get to choose how you wish to do things. From our perspective, all movement is forward movement.
Whether you are taking great strides, or stalled out in full blown resistance, it will all lead to forward movement, for even the greatest resistance ultimately leads to surrender and growth.
We do urge you to find how to move forward with the greatest amount of ease for you, for discomfort is not a necessary pre-requisite to growth. You can embrace your evolution, and through surrender and flow, expand beautifully. But it is completely and totally your choice what is your preferred way of doing things.
But Gabriel, how do we know we are growing, you ask? The answer to that is simple, Dear Ones – because you are in the body, on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯:Nick Chan
Ask Gabriel(請問加百利):