My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Before every exhale, you must inhale . Before every inhale there is an exhale. When you give you receive. When you receive you give. When you spend it is because you have saved or you will save to pay for your purchase.
In all things within the vast and magnificent Presence of the Divine, there must be circulation. Energy must flow to you, through you, and from you in order for you – and the universe – to be healthy.
When energy is stuck you feel fatigued or unpleasant. When spiritual energy is flowing you feel boundless physical and joy. You have access to an unending and constant source of energy at all times. You need not feel tired. You need not feel pain. However, so many of you have simply not been taught how to keep your energy in flow.
There is a human tendency to stuff your feelings for example. Your body tries to hold the energy, like a battery, as best it can. However it gets"overcharged"with stuffed emotions, and begins to attract more of that energy from the outside world. Pretty soon, like a person with"static cling,"you have all sorts of energies stuck to you. As soon as you find a healthy outlet for those feelings, the energy is in motion once again and anything that was"clinging"to you is easily washed away in the flow.
There is also a belief that"it is better to give than receive."In truth you cannot separate the two. When you give, you receive joy, satisfaction, pleasure in seeing the receiver receive. When you receive, if done graciously, you gift the giver with your own joy and appreciation. If you give but refuse to receive, you can easily become bitter, broke, and exhausted. If you receive but refuse to give of your love you will be very lonely indeed for you will never feel the love of God emanating from within you.
Giving and receiving does not have to be"even"in the material sense. It simply has to feel good in the energetic sense. You will know when you are out of flow by your fatigue, pain, or upset. You will know when you are in flow again by your feelings of relief, contentment, and joy. Even your body will relax when you feel the flow of grace running through its channels unobstructed once again. Your heart will be joyous!
So, dear ones, in this season of giving, by all means, share your love. But don't forget to receive as well. Sit. Breathe. Receive our love and the love of God. Receive your gifts graciously. Give of your gratitude and appreciation.
Above all give the gift of your Presence. Your true, honest, and authentic self given to the world without shame or guilt – in any given moment – is the greatest gift you can give. A rose is made to bloom and yet the thorns are a gift of its Presence as well. All of you is a gift dear ones. Give yourselves to the world honestly, and in return you will have no obstructions to receiving our love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通靈:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan