
God said:

What would make where you live a Paradise on Earth? What would make the world a Paradise, this world that you read and hear such terrible things about, where wars have been fought and warriors are heroes?

You may say you don"t believe in Paradise. You may not. At the same time, it is hard to believe that the world I created is not meant to be a Paradise. This, too, is hard to believe. It is especially hard to believe now when you do see before your eyes the lion and the lamb"s lying down together.

There can be peace. You have seen it.
和平確是存在的。 其實你已經看到了。

How can it be that peace is hard to find among God"s Created Human Beings when most people, by far, are Good Neighbors? What possible joy is there to find in dissent?

Deer and dogs lie down together. Cats and rats lie down together. An animal of one species contentedly lies down and nurses the babies of another species. What makes human beings so selective?

What is this about human beings against each other and creating friction? In My book, friction is fiction. It is drama set on fire. It is drama let out of a cauldron like a witches" brew. Infighting is always infighting. It can"t be necessary. It would be better if antagonism and setting fires were never heard of.

It is peace that is meant to be natural in life. What sense does it make for a neighbor to be against another neighbor? This is not what is meant to be.

Sometimes war is even exalted. What kind of a happiness-maker can war be? War is not a happiness-maker. War is a widow-maker.
有時,戰爭甚至會被歌頌。戰爭會是怎樣的一種"快樂根源"? 戰爭產生的不是快樂,而是更多的寡婦。

Negativity may bring out some milk of goodness and mercy, for you have a natural affinity with that which is worthwhile. By and large, negativity breeds negativity. You are not meant for negativity. Negativity is not worthy of you. It is not worthy of you at all.
消極也可能會帶出一些善良與慈悲,因為你與它有著自然的親近感, 這是有助益的。但總的來說,消極會催生更多的消極。你不是注定要消極的。消極於你是不值得的。完全不值得。

Yet office buildings and careers salute war and celebrate war with toasts, pride, and applause. A lot of attention sure goes on hostility as if hostility were a noble possession.

Hoodwinking goes on in the world. The world knows how to sell that which needs to be removed from the face of the Earth. Oh, well, war is a game played with toy soldiers yet given important names and motives. Let"s call a spade a spade. War is war. War is not of good cheer. War is of lost faith.


How to end wars? Not by fighting them, My dears.
怎樣才能終止戰爭呢? 當然不是靠對抗,我親愛的。

There is more to life than the physical. There is the spiritual that will not harbor war. There is Love on Earth. Hold love high. Light dispels darkness. War does not. Love is bright light shining. The Stars in the Sky sparkle light so you will look up and be inspired. The Sun Above sends to you the Bright Light I created, day in and day out, so that you will see the Light of Day. I would do somersaults so that Peace will Reign on Earth.

Peace also has to be your will. You already feel more peaceful just hearing Me mention peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace makes a better world than war. War is a copy-editor word. The word Peace creates its own vibration. The word war does too. Which word do you choose to call forth?

Use the brain I gave you. Otherwise, you are lost in a Word that says No to life rather than Yes. I encourage you to say Yes and Yes and Yes.
If you can make My dear animals pets, can you not soften your heart to your sisters and brothers as well as you can inflame your heart? Come now, put aside war and lift up your Arms of Peace. Peace is what you are made for.
既然你們能把那些可愛的動物視為寵物,那麼為什麼就不能讓心柔軟,溫和的對待你的兄弟姐妹們,也激發出你們的愛心呢? 來吧,放下戰爭,高舉和平的臂膀。你與生俱來就是和平。





傳導:Gloria Wendroff 發佈於2016年05月08日

























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