My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Look to the horizon. There you will see a line where earth meets the sky. Imagine you walk towards it, hoping to touch the sky, and yet no matter how far or fast you travel you can never each it for it is always moving farther out in front of you. Then one day you realize the obvious –that no matter where you are, you already stand at the intersection between earth and sky.
Likewise enlightenment can feel like a distant horizon. You learn about the true nature of reality. You begin to talk to your guides. You may even have mystical experiences and yet you fall back easily into very human challenges. The feeling of being completely connected with and immersed in love comes and goes. One minute you are sure you can reach it, and the next it seems to move farther away.
Be kind and patient with yourselves as you continue to awaken your spirit here upon the earth. You are not moving"forward"and"backwards"in your spiritual progress.You are simply developing the"muscle"of your focus to remain more steadfast in the vibrations of love and joy. Enlightenment –like the horizon –is not a faraway, elusive goal. Instead it is a state of being accessible to you in the here and now, more and more so, as the illusions of separation between heaven and earth drop away.
Just as you stand at that intersection between earth and sky, you also stand at the intersection between heaven and earth in every moment. In your human body, if you"look up"you see sky. If you"look down"you see earth. You inhale and exhale the sky. You eat and excrete the fruits of the earth. You live, truly, in both worlds.
So too, with your spirit. When you"look up"by noticing the gifts of love in the moment –around you, from others, and within you –it is then that you feel heaven. When you"look down"by noticing what is wrong, out of order, or negative, then you feel very earth bound.
Just as you must breathe to keep in alive in the physical body, so too you must tap into the heavenly vibrations of love to keep your heart and soul alive with passion and joy here upon your planet earth.
If you were to eat, but not breathe, you would not last long. Likewise, if you were to focus only on earthly matters, but not take the time to connect with the energies of love and joy in some fashion, your spirit would soon feel numb as well.
If you were to breathe without eating, you might live for some time but eventually you would become weak and ill-equipped to handle your earthly life, Likewise if you focus only upon spirit, you would need someone else to attend to your earthly matters.
The ideal life occurs when you eat, breathe, fill your life with inspiration and from that vantage point attend to your earthly activities.
No matter how much you have to do, you can take a few moments throughout your day to nurture your soul. Simply stop wherever you are. Breathe deeply. Look for the smallest evidence of the Creator's love in your life. Give thanks for the smallest blessings.
Take a few moments to shut your eyes and sit, breathe, receive…for love, dear ones is like oxygen for the soul.You need these moments of focusing upon it, and therefore feeling it. It is there as an energy, waiting for you to receive it, as surely as oxygen exists in your atmosphere waiting for you to breathe.
Thus, your moments of"down time"are really your time to"look up"or more accurately,"look in."They are never wasted. Enjoy your earthly matters while you exist in these bodies, but don't forget to spiritually breathe, by focusing on anything that inspires the feelings of love and joy.
You live and exist at the intersections between earth and sky. So too you live at the intersection between heaven and earth. Heaven upon this earth is attainable simply by training your focus to"look up"and"breathe in"the love that is there at all times.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.—The Angels
通靈:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan