Dear Embodiments of my Love,
I am always with you. I am ever present in everything you see and in all you imagine. I am in the car you drive, the bills you pay, the ones you love, and the ones you'd rather avoid. I am the Presence within all things and all beings.
我總是與你在一起 。我永遠存在於你所見和所想像的一切之中。我在你駕駛的汽車中,我在你支付的賬單中,我在你愛的人之中,我在你寧可躲避的人之中。我存在於一切事物和眾生中。
You seek me in sacred spaces, and yet I am found in the mundane. You try to connect with me and yet we remain ever-connected. What you are seeking, instead, is an experience of your union with me, for in that experience, there is bliss. When you feel your connection with me you feel a love that is beyond words and explanation. When you sense your connection with me, there is trust that you are cherished, precious, and perfect. You are guided.
I remain inside of you, patiently waiting for your permission to reveal my life, at first in your heart and then in your life, for your lives are a glorious out picturing of the love you allow me to share with you. If your lives are a struggle precious ones, it is only because you forget I am there within you, waiting for you to call forth and direct my love.
Relax.Breathe. Feel my presence of Love stirring in your heart. Breathe again and know that every time you surrender in your breathing to my love, you give me permission to rise up more strongly within you. I have given you free will. I have allowed you to feel me or to ignore me, but I am, nonetheless always present.
What is it you would like to experience? I would like that for you as well. Breathe and feel that experience within the vast pool of consciousness that we are. It already exists within me. Breathe and connect with the feelings you wish for, in the realities you wish for. Allow me then to help you draw this forth into your life.
When you have problems, breathe. Call me forth. Ask me to rise up within you and guide you and solve your problems, and I will send my impulses, and my angels to escort you into a kinder reality.
Dear beloved embodiments of my love, do not cry for a God outside of yourself for I live within you. We are not, and never will be separate. You can allow yourself to surrender and feel your connection with me, or you can deny my love and push the experience of it away, but my love is there, ever-present. It knows no bounds.
Call upon me. Breathe and surrender to my love. You are never alone. You cannot be, for I am always within you, and you are always within me.
I love you. I am you. We are One.
通靈:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan