Dear Ones, you can meet times of intensity with trepidation or excitement.It is totally up to you. But we will point out that any resistance only makes the shifts you are going to make no matter what feel more challenging.
Trust in your abilities! You are all becoming masters of energy, moving and assimilating energies like never before. With every shift you are gaining more skill.
This grand shift on your planet is what you couldn't wait to experience. Sit in the wonder of it. Reflect on how much you have changed and evolved over your past 5 years, 2 years, 1 year, six months of your linear time. What you have accomplished in such a short period is truly remarkable! And again we remind you that for every shift you embody, new greater potentials become possible.
So allow yourself to embrace the magical flow of transformation. Love yourself and others as you change and evolve. Much like a new level opening up for you in one of your video games, explore what is possible due to the accumulation of your efforts. There is much to celebrate as you lovingly guide yourselves forward as pioneers of light on a planet that adores you and all that you do. ~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯:Nick Chan
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