One of the major themes of 2020 and the new decade you have entered is expansion.Expansion is exactly how you allow your lives to get as big and beautiful as they want to be.It is safe for you to embrace expansion!
If you find it difficult to trust moving into the unknown, start small.Expand incrementally.Take a new route to work.Walk a nature trail you have never tried before.Take a vacation somewhere you"ve always wanted to visit.Learn a new skill.All of these ideas help you to observe and experience and discover what are new energetic matches to you.It is through these experimentations that you will discover that change can be a wonderful thing.
Embracing expansion lets your soul take the lead, which allows your freedom of expression and your beingness to be supported one step at a time, and from there all great things are possible.~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯:Nick Chan
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