Perfectionism is something many enlightening souls struggle with.This is due to their deep desire to make sure the shift occurs on your planet because many of you are holding the cell memory of times where a shift was possible and was not successful.
Because of this many of you are deeply committed to honouring your soul mission and are very serious about this and agonize over making the right choices.This can get challenging if you are striving to satisfy everyone from a 3D perspective while trying to anchor higher vibrational energies.You can mistake other's lack of understanding or differing options as feedback on your mission, which can cause you to stall because you do not wish to make a mistake.
Dear Ones, hear us when we say your quest for perfection has nothing to do with the agreement of others or the understanding or support of a 3D world.That is seeking approval from an energetic layer that simply cannot see you in your truth.The perfection you are truly seeking comes from always staying true to what your heart and inner wisdom is guiding you towards as a true pioneer of the light.It is from there you know you can never, ever make a mistake and will continue to drive the great shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet.~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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