
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Sit for a moment in silence if you can.Listen to your heart beat.Notice your breath.Feel the temperature of your skin.You are here.You are now.That is the only moment you ever have.Why not make it beautiful?

Can you think of something or someone you love? It might be a person, a pet, a sunset, a location, a favorite meal or a memory from long ago.It might be a feeling of fantasy about the future.Take a moment now.Drop into your heart, and feel the love that lives within you simply by thinking of someone or something you love.For some of you this will be easy.For others it will take willpower and intention.Do it now.Breathe while focusing on that love, expand it, and come back to read more when you're feeling yourself in a space of love.

That feeling of love, dear ones, is what you are all seeking.While some are rushing to get back out to the world and others are wanting to sit quietly at home a bit more, all of you are seeking that very feeling in your hearts.

You want things, people, and situations in life because you hope they will bring you the very same feeling of love that you just brought forth from within you.

For all your searching, seeking, rushing, and procrastinating, you are all wanting the very thing you just found—a feeling of love.When you feel love, you are connected to your deepest, truest, essence.When you feel love—whether it be for a dish of ice cream or the love of your life—you feel the Divine.There is only One love.It lives within and beneath all things, all beings, all situations, all wondrous, glorious events, and all challenges.It lives at the surface in the kind ones among you and buried deeply in the rageful.It lives, nonetheless, within all.

You felt this love simply by using your will power and your intention.There is nothing you had to do externally.There is no one you had to be with.There was no change in your situation.There was only a simple shift in your mind, away from worries, cares, concerns, upsets, frustrations, and fears to love.You chose to connect with the Reality that underlies all"reality." You chose to connect with You.

So as your world rebirths itself, as you witness a clashing of ideas, opinions, and concepts about the"best" way to go about this—the"safest,""smartest,""quickest,""most economical,""most courteous," way to go about it…realize that all you want to feel is Love.In Love you are safe.In Love you are protected.In Love your very biology is stronger and more immune.When you are tuned into Love, you can witness the dramas of the world, and realize there is never one"right" way for all—there is only one"right" way for you.Whether you go out or stay in, dine out or cook, work from home or go back into the office, it is right for you, if you feel it is right.

How do you know what is right for you? Breathe again.Think of something or someone you love.Bask in that feeling of love.Amplify that feeling.Now ask your heart,"Heart what is right for me, right here, right now?" In Love you will find your answers.In Love you will hear your guidance.In Love dear ones, you rebirth your spirit in a single moment.

Birth yourselves into this new world in Love.Then, no matter what others are doing, be in Love, and you will be safe, protected, guided, and inspired along the highest and happiest path for your newborn soul.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels




傳導:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan









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