If you have a dream, you can start having a relationship with it immediately through meditation.Give your dream a form.Talk to it.What does it need from you? How can you nurture it? How does it want to express itself? What does it require to take on its greatest form?
Having a conversation with your dream allows you to shift into knowing it now.It moves it from being something in the unknown future to something you can have a relationship with in the present moment.This is one of the biggest steps you can take in creation.
與你的夢想交談可以讓你現在就去瞭解它。這會讓它從"未來中未知的事物"變成"你可以在當下與之建立關係的事物"。這是你在創造中可以邁出的最大的步伐之一 。
We urge you to play with this idea, to have fun, to enjoy you and your dream to getting to know each other.This will form a bond between the two of you that starts the process of manifestation in the physical.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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