We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the new earth you wish to create and experience.
What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward.You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow.It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward.
This applies to the times you are in.Keep your eye on the target.Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true.It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new.It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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