The ongoing U.S.presidential election coup is turning out to be a giant trap for the families that own the Fortune 500 companies,multiple sources agree.It is only a matter of time before Joe Biden and his fellow criminals will be charged and tried for treason,Pentagon sources say.
At the same time Western secret society sources say Marine Corps Intelligence Robert David Steele is being considered for President of the—soon to be founded—United States of North America.Steele has nominated former Congresswoman and 9.11 truther Cynthia McKinney to be his vice-president.
與此同時,西方秘密組織消息來源透露,海軍陸戰隊前情報人員羅伯大衛斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)考慮擔任即將成立的北美合眾國總統。並且,他提名前國會女議員兼揭發911真相的辛西婭.麥金尼(Cynthia McKinney)為副總統。
Steele says he and McKinney are ready to take on the job.However,first"Trump needs to win in order to finish with reforms; particularly proper electoral reform," Robert David Steele said in an e-mail.Steele adds that Trump is about to expose the election fraud and be declared the victor,then a number of people will resign from Congress to avoid being put into jail.
Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about the situation:"Trump won in a landslide with 80% of the legal votes and may get 300 electoral votes,as CIA vote flipping software Dominion and rampant vote fraud by the Democrats is exposed."
Many genuine news outlets also reported that Dominion Voting Systems,which controls more than a third of the voting-machine market,uses a high-powered lobbying firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.Also,Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation and a major stake is owned by Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein's husband.
許多敘述事實的媒體也報導說,控制著超過三份之一投票機市場的道明尼投票系統(Dominion Voting Systems)僱用了一家實力強大的遊說公司,其中包括眾議院議長佩洛西的一名長期助手。此外,道明尼與克林頓基金會有聯繫,並且,民主黨參議員黛安.范斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)的丈夫持有大部份股份。
"There really is massive voter fraud going on.I was a poll watcher and I saw it myself….I saw a person sign an affidavit saying he did not send a mail-in ballot but somebody sent one in his name," says Christopher North,a friend who worked as a poll watcher in Pittsburg.North notes that in his area,"Biden is getting more 50% more black votes than Barack Obama did in 2008 and in many precincts the voter turn-out is over 100%."
在匹茲堡(Pittsburg),當投票觀察員的友人克裡斯托弗.諾斯(Christopher North)說:「確實存在大量的選民欺詐。身為一名投票觀察員,我親眼所見…我看到有人在一份宣誓書上簽了字,並說他沒有郵寄選票,但有人卻以他的名義寄了一張。」諾斯指出,在他的選區,「拜登獲得的黑人選票比2008年奧巴馬多一半,而且竟然在許多選區的投票率超過一倍。」
However,just in case you haven't seen it,veteran U.S.State Department senior official Steve Pieczenik among others explains how a clever trap was set for the would-be vote stealers by putting a secret mark on all genuine ballots.Pieczenik and others say this has resulted in the wholesale exposure of the Khazarian mafia network in the U.S.
然而,美國國務院資深官員史蒂夫.皮策尼克(Steve Pieczenik)和其他一些人解釋了他們的佈局,設置一個巧妙的陷阱,即在所有真正的選票上做一個秘密標記,讓想竊取選票的人上鉤。皮策尼克和其他人說,這讓在美國的可薩暴徒網絡大規模曝光。
"Trump may fire CIA Director Gina Haspel and purge the agency and many Deep Staters elsewhere in the government," the Pentagon sources add.
五角大樓消息人士說:「川普可能會解僱中情局局長吉娜.哈斯佩爾(Gina Haspel),並清洗該機構和政府其他部門的許多深層政府人馬。」
While the West is distracted with its undeclared civil war,big military moves mean the situation is getting very dangerous around the world.We are getting reports of massive troop movements in Mexico,Canada,Ukraine,Central Asia,Africa,the Chinese Indian border,etc.
For example,we got the following information from a source in Slovakia:
"NATO troops are moving from Western Europe towards Ukraine.It is starting to look as if they were to occupy strategic points and in the near future NATO troops could attack Belarus and possibly Russia.An attack can occur within a few days.Movements of troops at the borders were observed.It is starting to look as if there is going to be an attack by Slovakia,the Czech Republic,Ukraine and Poland.It is very likely.Russia has canceled all entry visas.Russia and Belarus are completely closed.Belarusians claim that the worst days of our lives are ahead(10 days).Slovaks and Czechs are locked in their homes.The troops are moving.Helicopters are being moved in large numbers.They are building huge field hospitals for 5000 people(at the Ostrava airport)."
Also,Mike Harris of Veteran's Today called to say he is getting reliable reports of Chinese forces in Mexico."The Mexicans allowed the military operators into the country because the Chinese promised to return to Mexico all the lands lost in the Mexican/American war," he says.In other words,they offered California,Nevada,New Mexico,Arizona,and Texas to Mexico.
此外,退伍軍人組織的邁克.哈里斯(Mike Harris)打電話說,他得到了有關中國解放軍在墨西哥的可靠報告。他說:「墨西哥允許軍事人員進入該國,是因為中國承諾要把在美墨戰爭中失去的所有土地都歸還給墨西哥。」換句話說,他們會把加州、內華達州、新墨西哥州、亞利桑那州和德州提供給墨西哥。
We are also getting multiple reports of Chinese troops in Canada.We have contacted various sources in Canada and have been unable to confirm this.However,Prime Minister Justin Castro is a Manchurian candidate who almost certainly murdered his brother in order to take over Canada.He has also suspended democracy in Canada while using a fake pandemic as an excuse to impose martial law and set up concentration camps.It is a good bet Justin Castro was offered New England as well as Oregon and Washington State by the Chinese.
In chorus with Canada's Castro,New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said last week that if you refuse to be tested [for the fake virus],you would be indefinitely imprisoned and never allowed to leave the quarantine camp.
紐西蘭總理傑辛達.阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)上週與杜魯道齊聲表示,如果拒絕接受(假新冠病毒)測試,將被無限期監禁,永遠不準離開隔離營。
Castro(Trudeau) also,together with Boris Johnson of the UK and Emmanuelle [sic] Macron of France was quick to congratulate Joe Biden on his fraudulent election victory.The three leaders,taking their cue from AP on Biden's fake victory all chimed in with congratulations despite there being no official result.Biden has also made it clear he will start COVID fascism if he takes power.
Asian secret society sources say China was promised Japan,the Korean Peninsula,and ASEAN could be part of the United States of China if they helped Biden get elected.It thus looks certain that Biden and his Rockefeller etc.backers attempted to sell out to China in order to keep themselves in power in the West.
In view of this situation,Britain's Chief of the Defense Staff Nick Carter publicly warned of a risk of WW3 starting,telling Sky News:
鑑於這種情況,英國國防參謀長尼克·卡特(Nick Carter)公開警告第三次世界大戰爆發的風險,他告訴天空新聞說:
"I think we are living at a moment in time where the world is a very uncertain and anxious place and of course,the dynamic of global competition is a feature of our lives as well,and I think the real risk we have with quite a lot of the regional conflicts that are going on at the moment,is you could see escalation lead to miscalculation."
MI6 sources had a slightly more laid-back view saying:"There is a lot of rubbish flying about at the moment,I think on a global scale of things the world has lost all sense and meaning altogether."
In any case,Pentagon sources say the U.S.Supreme Court is"6-3 behind Trump with justice [Clarence] Thomas paying back Biden for his bitter 1991 confirmation hearing and justice [Brett] Kavanaugh doing the same to Kamala Harris for his 2018 grilling."
無論如何,五角大樓消息人士表示,美國最高法院以6比3的支持率支持川普,大法官克拉倫斯·湯姆斯(Clarence Thomas)將對拜登1991年的提名確認聽證會進行報復,而大法官佈雷特·卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)將對卡瑪拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)進行同樣的懲罰。
And:After Bibi [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] deceived Trump by quickly congratulating Biden,the Jewish mafia continues its defeat and former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks is dead,sources say.
還有:有消息稱,在以色列總理納坦雅胡迫不及待的祝賀拜登欺騙了川普之後,猶太黑手黨也繼續被擊敗,前英國首席拉比喬納森·薩克斯(Jonathan Sacks)掛掉了。
An Asian intelligence source says that Netanyahu,who congratulated Biden,was a CG composite,as was George Bush Jr.who also did,since both originals were executed.
In addition to sources from the Pentagon,Western secret societies are also making it clear that they will not allow a continuation of the Democratic Party's ongoing election coup.
A representative of several large secret societies says:
The way I see it,first of all it is the DNC.
I mean,look at the last cycle as well.
Whether they like it or not,their voters asked for Bernie and they were told:No,you get Hillary.
With Biden it happened again.
The DNC has its agenda,which of course works with the leftist MSM like the NYT…the media will decide the election,even if it's not in the Constitution.
It was further consolidated with the big-tech censorship.
Look at Google now worth $1 trillion,and yet its founder cannot explain his continued relationship with Epstein after his conviction.
Fact checkers are the'thought police".
The sources point out that transnational secret lodges,which include the affiliations of both men and women at the highest levels of world politics,finance and industry,discuss and decide all world decisions that have to do with power,politics,finance and industry.
These companies have made the decision to remove the Khazarian mafia from world power,several sources agree.
This means that Justin Castro,Boris Johnson,Emannuel Macron and their puppeteers Rothschild,Angelli etc.will not stay on this planet for much longer,sources say.
Instead,there is a high-level consensus among both Eastern and Western secret societies that the current system we have for running the planet needs drastic reform.
Many Western governments now publicly advocate Asian-style future planning as a better system than the pure,unbridled capitalism that has done so much damage to the West.Below you will find a link to an article in the Wall Street Journal that deals with this topic in detail.
Pope Francis plays a key role in this process with his ongoing purge of the Vatican Bank,the current de facto future planning agency of the West.
The article below states,for example,that the Vatican directed money to a holding company headed by Lapo Elkann,one of the more extravagant members of the Italian Agnelli clan.
例如,下面的文章指出,梵蒂岡將資金投向了一家控股公司,該公司的掌門人是義大利阿涅利家族(Agnelli)中較為奢侈的成員之一拉波·埃爾肯(Lapo Elkann)。
Together with the Rothschilds,the Agnellis control the Economist and are considered the de facto controllers of the Federal Reserve Board,although not for long.
As an example of their criminal incompetence,these people have for years conducted a massive fraud operation known as NASA,which according to high-level Pentagon sources stands for NotASpace Agency.NSA sources indicate that mice have been sighted running impossibly on Elon-Musk rockets,which allegedly fly in the vacuum of space.
This kind of massive fraud by the Khazarian mafia,which has taken over Western power,is the reason why Asia has been able to make economic progress.
The longer the West hesitates to reform and eliminate the incompetent leadership of the Khazarian mafia,the stronger China and other Asian countries will become.
The latest economic reports from China,for example,show that the country's economy is growing again at a rapid pace.
If the Westerners do not want to end up as Chinese slaves or servants,they must eliminate the criminal parasites that have carried out what MI6 describes as stealth state capture.
These people have impoverished most Westerners in their greed and are now trying to sell what is left to China for protection.
Hopefully the trap set for the people who support Biden will serve the purpose.If not,grab your weapons.
If even the Chief of Staff of the General Staff,General Mark Miley,does nothing,then he has clearly been compromised and must be eliminated.
如果連總參謀部的參謀長馬克·麥利(Mark Miley)將軍什麼都不做,那麼他顯然是被收買了,必須被除掉。
Sources at the Pentagon in turn asked us to remind the Chinese that they have space-based weapons that could turn China into molten glass if necessary.In other words,a war will not solve this crisis in China's favor,but in time it will.
(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )