It is very common for enlightening human beings to experience what you call brain fog in these accelerated energies.As you receive downloads and upgrades your energy shifts until it is fully integrated.This can result in feeling spacey, forgetful, or even experiencing symptoms similar to dyslexia.This is due to the fact that higher vibrational energies are non-linear.It takes some time until you figure out how to navigate from that new energetic space.You are also expanding and creating new neural pathways within the brain—you might think of it as more of your brain coming on board.This is also due to the healing and releasing you have been actively participating in.
So how do you tell if a symptom is an ascension symptom or a sign of something more serious? Ascension symptoms will generally come and then ease as the energy becomes integrated.If you pay attention, you can often correlate your symptoms to coincide with specific energetic or astrological events.Any longer lasting symptoms or anything that has you concerned or unsure should be checked out by your healthcare professional, to put your mind at rest and to demonstrate good self care.
You are assimilating higher vibrational energies at a faster rate than ever before.You have developed many new skills of working with energies during this unprecedented time.In fact, you are embodying energies that would have been unsustainable in your bodies just a few short years ago! Trust the process.Practice good self care and use your wisdom to assist yourself in whatever ways are needed, and know that times of intensity are always followed by times of rest, all designed to support your greater balance and success as you move forward into the new.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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